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Thread: Fantastic Four

  1. Default Fantastic Four

    If the review sites are to be trusted it seems Fox has yet again F***ed up another comic book movie. I wish Fox would just hand over all the rights to their characters to Marvel and let the guys who have proven they can make good movies do just that. The only thing that is keeping me optimistic about Deadpool is Ryan Reynolds and his passion for the project. They have gotten lucky with the newer X-men movies and the full retcon they did with the abomination that was X-Men 3. I wouldn't recommend seeing Fantastic Four, but if anybody does let me know if the review aggregate websites are right.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by elitespy View Post
    I wouldn't recommend seeing Fantastic Four, but if anybody does let me know if the review aggregate websites are right.
    So you haven't seen it, but you're recommending others not to see it. Okay.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Marvel doesn't put out gems, themselves.
    Some of their movies are successful simply because of the brand and due to cult followings of the superheroes themselves.
    Keep in mind that there are only three movies that are generally universally accepted as superb movies by them: Avengers (1), Guardians, and recently Ant Man. And what I mean by that is that they are overall favored in the eyes of fans and non-fans and have had relatively good meta scores.

    Fox is in charge of X-Men still and those are still successful and no one is asking for Marvel to fully take that franchise over.
    I have read around and apparently Marvel only wants the rights to F4 for the villains, not so much the heroes themselves. So it would seem Marvel has little faith in F4 as well.

    But, I was never going to go see F4. I was never interested in them to begin with, but the scores coming in are horrid.

  4. Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by Throckmorton View Post
    So you haven't seen it, but you're recommending others not to see it. Okay.
    I am, from people that I trust they have said it's not worth the money and you shouldn't go see it. But I want to see if some of the non comic book nerds out there enjoy it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Movie review middleman.

  6. Default Re: Fantastic Four

    IMDB has it at a 4.0 right now. Behind 2 of the 3 Sharknados. That should tell anyone to wait for TV. If that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    One of the critics I read on yahoo somewhere said it wouldn't be too bad of a movie to watch on scify channel on a Saturday afternoon.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by TU 'cane View Post
    Some of their movies are successful simply because of the brand and due to cult followings of the superheroes themselves.

    I, too, like to rationalize away other people's opinions as objectively incorrect so I can avoid coming to grips with the fact that people have differing perspectives on identical things. It helps prevent existential crises.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2008

  10. #10

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    I haven't seen it but the general feeling is the movie is pretty bad so I'll save my money.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
    I, too, like to rationalize away other people's opinions as objectively incorrect so I can avoid coming to grips with the fact that people have differing perspectives on identical things. It helps prevent existential crises.
    Uh, ok?

    I think you're looking too far into something, unless there's some disconnect here... Suggesting that superheros have cult followings is just totally reaching for the sky? Yea, sure.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Ya Marvel seems to be ruining their own market. If you watched the last season of Community (on Yahoo), Dan Harmon (the creator) is good friends with Joss Whedon, and they made several references to how Marvel forced him to water down the script of Avengers 2 to nothing but superpowers, explosions, and one-liners, which is basically what it was.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    That is a shame because Joss is very good at fleshing out characters and making you care about them.

  14. Default Re: Fantastic Four

    For what it was supposed to be, I found Age of Ultron to be very ho hum and forgettable. Still think Gaurdians, Iron Man, and the first Avengers are the best they have thrown out there. Still haven't seen Ant Man though.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    For what it was supposed to be, I found Age of Ultron to be very ho hum and forgettable. Still think Gaurdians, Iron Man, and the first Avengers are the best they have thrown out there. Still haven't seen Ant Man though.
    Agreed. I liked Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2 was okay, and 3 kinda terrible in my opinion. Guardians was great, as was the first Avengers. Not to digress into a fanboy debate, but Marvel's characters to me don't have enough depth (most of them don't bother with secret identities, all the origins are pretty straight forward without conflict, etc...) to keep the general public occupied for the next 20 movies their planning to push out, especially if directors and writers don't have creative liberty.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Speaking of Marvel, Stan Lee is getting up there in years and his health has been fading

  17. #17
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    For what it was supposed to be, I found Age of Ultron to be very ho hum and forgettable. Still think Gaurdians, Iron Man, and the first Avengers are the best they have thrown out there. Still haven't seen Ant Man though.
    I really enjoyed both of the Captain America in addition to the 3 you mentioned.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Helmet View Post
    I really enjoyed both of the Captain America in addition to the 3 you mentioned.
    i think 'captain america' is a rare example where the sequel is better than the original. -M

  19. #19

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    i think 'captain america' is a rare example where the sequel is better than the original. -M
    Rare? I think it happens more often than people think. Empire Strikes Back, Terminator 2, The Road Warrior, Godfather Part 2, Aliens, Evil Dead 2, Star Trek 2, Desperado, etc.

  20. Default Re: Fantastic Four

    The Raid 2 is the most recent one for me

  21. #21

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Rare? I think it happens more often than people think. Empire Strikes Back, Terminator 2, The Road Warrior, Godfather Part 2, Aliens, Evil Dead 2, Star Trek 2, Desperado, etc.
    i'm not saying that there aren't good sequels... but for every one you've listed there are easily ten franchises that had sequels that were either bad or didn't bring anything new to the table. a better sequel is the exception to the rule. -M

  22. #22

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    here's a quick list of movies that have sequels that either sucked or didn't bring anything new. other than a couple standouts, I didn't include multiple sequels and I didn't include kids movie cash-ins. i stopped at 100:

    2 fast 2 furious
    8mm 2
    ace ventura 2
    airplane 2
    american pie 2
    american psycho 2
    american werewolf in paris
    analyze that
    anchorman 2
    another 48 hours
    arrival 2
    austin powers 2
    back to the future 2
    bad santa 2
    basic instinct 2
    batman and robin
    behind enemy lines 2
    beneath the planet of the apes
    blair witch 2
    blues brothers 2000
    boondock saints 2
    butterfly effect 2
    caddyshack 2
    carlito's way 2
    charlies angels 2
    christmas story 2
    clerks 2
    cocoon 2
    crow 2
    darkman 2
    deuce bigalow 2
    dumb and dumberer
    escape from l.a.
    exorcist 2
    fantastic 4: Rise of the silver surfer
    fly 2
    french connection 2
    Friday the 13th 2
    fright night 2
    from dusk till dawn 2
    ghostbuster 2
    grease 2
    grudge 2
    halloween 2
    hangover part 2
    hannibal (gueess you could argue silence of the lambs was a sequel to manhunter)
    hollow man 2
    honey I blew up the kid
    hot tub time machine 2
    indiana jones: temple of doom
    iron man 2
    jaws 2
    jurassic world
    karate kid 2
    lawnmower man 2
    look who's talking 2
    major league 2
    matrix 2
    meet the fockers
    men in black 2
    miss congeniality 2
    mummy returns
    night at the museum 2
    nightmare on elm street 2
    nutty professor 2
    ocean's 12
    omen 2
    pet semetary 2
    pirates of the carribbean 2
    police academy 2
    poltergeist 2
    psycho 2
    ring 2
    robocop 2
    rocky 2
    s. darko
    scream 2
    short circuit 2
    smoky and the bandit 2
    sniper 2
    son of mask
    species 2
    speed 2
    star trek into darkness
    starship troopers 2
    superman iii
    superman iv
    taken 2
    texas chainsaw massacre 2
    the sting 2
    tremors 2
    tron: legacy
    under siege 2
    underworld 2
    universal soldier 2
    van wilder 2
    walking tall 2
    wayne's world 2
    xxx: state of the union

  23. #23

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Friday the 13th 2 I'm gonna have to take exception with. It totally changed the franchise and created an entire genre. The rest? Yeah, with a few exceptions, maybe so.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Friday the 13th 2 I'm gonna have to take exception with. It totally changed the franchise and created an entire genre. The rest? Yeah, with a few exceptions, maybe so.
    That's exactly what I was thinking. I think it's just as good a movie as the first, and my favorite of the series.

    As far as the Marvel movies go, Cap 2 was really good. I was kind of disappointed with Avengers 2. Not bad, just... eh. James Spader didn't do it for me. My complaint with some of the Marvel films has been that it feels like they're trying too hard to move the overall plot along. "Okay we have to introduce these three new characters and do this, this, and this in preparation for the next movie". I'd almost rather they didn't show everything, and just mention something happening off-camera. "That bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind."

  25. #25

    Default Re: Fantastic Four

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Friday the 13th 2 I'm gonna have to take exception with. It totally changed the franchise and created an entire genre.
    yeah... i can see that. jason isn't the killer until part 2 and that set the tone for the rest of the series. i'll concede that one. however, don't you think that halloween kicked off the whole 70's-80's slasher movie genre?

    oh... and since this is technically a fantastic four thread, here is roger corman's fantastic 4 in all its horrible glory.

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