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Thread: Fireworks permit?

  1. #1

    Default Fireworks permit?

    Hey guys, can anyone give any intel on how to go about obtaining a permit to pop fireworks inside OKC limits? Is it an easy process, how much, etc? We put on a big show at my brother's house every year, and he recently moved to Deere Creek. Well, his neighborhood actually sits just inside OKC limits. A neighbor was upset this past Saturday night that we were lighting fireworks and called the police. Was threatened with a "hefty" ticket, so we had to stop. It wasn't even that late, about 10pm when they shut us down. I don't want this to be an issue next year, so thought it might be a good idea to get a permit, if possible. Wasn't sure if regular citizens were allowed to do this, or if it is limited to municipalities. Thanks in advance for any info!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fireworks permit?

    I'm pretty sure permits are only issued if a professional fireworks company is setting them off. Nothing bought from a regular fireworks stand is going to be permitted.

    I think this tells you all that you need to know. Only 6 places in the entire city have official "permits".


  3. #3
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    Feb 2015
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    Default Re: Fireworks permit?

    Quote Originally Posted by soonermike81 View Post
    Hey guys, can anyone give any intel on how to go about obtaining a permit to pop fireworks inside OKC limits? Is it an easy process, how much, etc? We put on a big show at my brother's house every year, and he recently moved to Deere Creek. Well, his neighborhood actually sits just inside OKC limits. A neighbor was upset this past Saturday night that we were lighting fireworks and called the police. Was threatened with a "hefty" ticket, so we had to stop. It wasn't even that late, about 10pm when they shut us down. I don't want this to be an issue next year, so thought it might be a good idea to get a permit, if possible. Wasn't sure if regular citizens were allowed to do this, or if it is limited to municipalities. Thanks in advance for any info!
    You might have been near us...it was unbelieveable how many "shows" were going on around us at Memorial / Council area. Some really good big stuff!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Fireworks permit?

    There is always people that do ton of fireworks around us, and we have 3 police officers in our neighborhood.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Fireworks permit?

    It's a little bit of a drive but come on down to Mustang. Everyone else seems to.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Fireworks permit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    There is always people that do ton of fireworks around us, and we have 3 police officers in our neighborhood.
    When I was younger, I held my own personal world war III here on my five acres in the OKC limits. Now others do the same including an OC Fire Department captain right across the street from me, he even invites about thirty families to join in. He moved here in May, 2001 and two months later I started my war and he was not a happy camper, but his family sat in their lawn chairs and cheered when we set of one of the really good rockets/displays. The next year (and every year since) he has held his own WW III. We also have a police officer on my street. The police have always left us alone because of living out in what used to be a sparsely populated area, but if someone complained, everybody would have to stop. A few years ago the police would wait near fireworks stands and watch people purchase them, and when they drove away, the police would stop them, confiscate the fireworks and write a ticket for the driver of the vehicle. I haven't heard of that happening recently.
    C. T.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Fireworks permit?

    Randomly came across this but outside of city permits it appears a state permit is also required and looks to be a involved process.

    Office of the State Fire Marshal - Licensing/Permits

    Edit: Also saw this http://www.okc.gov/news/2015_06/Fire...homa_City.html

  8. #8

    Default Re: Fireworks permit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert_M View Post
    Randomly came across this but outside of city permits it appears a state permit is also required and looks to be a involved process.

    Office of the State Fire Marshal - Licensing/Permits

    Edit: Also saw this http://www.okc.gov/news/2015_06/Fire...homa_City.html
    Thank you sir, this is exactly the info i was looking for. Now, if I can somehow convince them to give us a permit for a large neighborhood display.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Fireworks permit?

    Quote Originally Posted by soonermike81 View Post
    Thank you sir, this is exactly the info i was looking for. Now, if I can somehow convince them to give us a permit for a large neighborhood display.
    Well, if you can somehow reclassify you and your friends as "professionals." You would first have to work for a professional fireworks company and oversee 3 displays and then take a test just to get a license.

    From OKC.
    Permits are for large public shows operated by professionals, not for families or parties.

  10. Default Re: Fireworks permit?

    Cheaper to just set them off and pay the ticket if they happen to fine you.

    We have someone near us that sets off a huge display a couple of times a year (July 4, New Years, special event, etc.). Police are always called. They show up, wag their finger and then leave. Never gotten a ticket. A couple of years ago they hit their siren as they entered the neighborhood - 99% certain that was to give us a warning so we wouldn't get caught.

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