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Thread: Prison Worker Joyce Mitchell Planned to Be Getaway Driver

  1. #1

    Default Prison Worker Joyce Mitchell Planned to Be Getaway Driver

    I don't know what to believe.

    From NBC News
    Joyce Mitchell, the New York prison worker being questioned in the escape of two
    murderers, was charmed by one of the inmates and planned to be their getaway
    driver until she got cold feet, sources familiar with the case told NBC News.

    One of the inmates, Richard Matt, established a relationship with Mitchell over a
    couple of months, the sources said.

    "She thought it was love," one said.

    Instead of being the getaway driver, Mitchell went to the hospital and checked
    herself in, the sources said. As NBC News has previously reported, Mitchell
    checked in on Saturday, the day the inmates were reported missing, with "a case
    of nerves."

  2. #2

    Default Re: Prison Worker Joyce Mitchell Planned to Be Getaway Driver

    I think she knew she'd have been killed had she gone through with it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Prison Worker Joyce Mitchell Planned to Be Getaway Driver

    Oh my. Perhaps, though not necessarily. It might however have involved a long running game of playing chicken, or playing with chickens as the case may be. That's how it appeared to play out in the local version of this old as time prison love story several years back.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Prison Worker Joyce Mitchell Planned to Be Getaway Driver

    But the only warden who'd have given an 2nd glance to a looker like Mrs Mitchell would have been a game warden.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Prison Worker Joyce Mitchell Planned to Be Getaway Driver

    A heart wants what a heart wants and if love need be blind for this to work, then so be it.
    In the local version, there also were no cover models either.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Prison Worker Joyce Mitchell Planned to Be Getaway Driver

    The things we do for love!

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