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Thread: Visiting Angel

  1. #1

    Default Visiting Angel

    I believe a lot of you know that I have experienced a medical emergency in the last couple of months. I had a cardiac arrest which in a nutshell means my heart stopped beating and I quit breathing. With some excellent attention by the Mercy ER staff, I am able to continue running my mouth on OKCtalk. But I wanted to mention my friend Chris Cullen from London (actually, Carshalton, a suburb of London). She is a widow and I am a widower and we met on an internet support group for folks that have lost significant others. We have travelled extensively both here and in Europe until my COPD was diagnosed. When I was able, I asked my boys to let her know that I was sick and in the hospital, but I didn't want her to know the extent of my illness. She's a retired teacher/head teacher (principal in America) and didn't fall for what my boys told her, so she immediately bought a plane ticket and arrived in time to take me home after eight days in the hospital. She bathed me, dressed me, fed me and did all the things a nurse or a spouse would do. She also did the shopping, driving on the "right side" of the road to insure we had food (and beer) until I was able to ride with her. She was here for ten weeks and I absolutely wouldn't have survived without her. Today, sadly, I took her to Will Rogers Airport so she could return home and begin planning for her middle son's wedding. She will come back, but nothing will ever match the last ten weeks. This is "Open Topic" and I am using it to just unload about my "Visiting Angel".
    C. T.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Everyone needs a friend like that CT.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    CT, I knew none of that. She obviously took good care of you and for that I am thankful.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Wow C.T., Sounds like one heck of a lady, and you're one lucky man. Next time you talk to her, say hello for all of us here. God bless you both.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    What a wonderful story. It amazes me that the www has the ability to bring people together like never before. I hope she comes back soon. Your ten weeks sound like a beautiful gift, you are a lucky guy.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    That's amazing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Sweet story ctc.

  8. #8
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    But I wanted to mention my friend Chris Cullen from London (actually,
    Carshalton, a suburb of London). She is a widow and I am a widower and we
    met on an internet support group for folks that have lost significant others.
    We have travelled extensively both here and in Europe until my COPD was
    diagnosed. When I was able, I asked my boys to let her know that I was sick
    and in the hospital, but I didn't want her to know the extent of my illness. She's
    a retired teacher/head teacher (principal in America) and didn't fall for what
    my boys told her, so she immediately bought a plane ticket and arrived in
    time to take me home after eight days in the hospital. She bathed me,
    dressed me, fed me and did all the things a nurse or a spouse would do.
    She also did the shopping, driving on the "right side" of the road to insure
    we had food (and beer) until I was able to ride with her. She was here for
    ten weeks and I absolutely wouldn't have survived without her. Today, sadly,
    I took her to Will Rogers Airport so she could return home and begin
    planning for her middle son's wedding. She will come back, but nothing will
    ever match the last ten weeks. This is "Open Topic" and I am using it to just
    unload about my "Visiting Angel".
    C. T.
    I've met her and she's a super woman. I hope you and she can spend more
    time together real soon.

    Best to you.


  9. #9
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Quote Originally Posted by boscorama View Post
    CT, I knew none of that. She obviously took good care of you and for that
    I am thankful.
    Believe me, CT is a very lucky man to have a gorgeous babe, and she's a
    very lovely woman, taking care of him. She talks funny and everything. I
    thought she was either from Ft. Smith or Fayetteville, AR. She put me in
    my place without hesitation.

    Hey, CT is a great guy and she's lucky to have him as a friend. I hope we
    can have 'Fish n Chips' at that Catfish joint on I-35. Maybe we can make
    an OKC Talk party out of it.

    I honestly hope they can get back together very soon.

    Did I mention that CT is a great guy? Well he is and he knows good
    music, too. Believe me. He's been to Ingrid's Kitchen several times.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    I appreciate the comments and I am going to cut/past all of them and send them "across the pond". I'm not sure how I was so lucky, my late wife was a dream and now Chris is as well.
    Thanks friends,
    C. T.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Always a nice thing to have those kind of people in your life. My wife did a lot of that stuff with my medical issues in January, would have been very hard without that support.

  12. Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Wow, that's an amazing, heartwarming story. What a great friend you have there, CT.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    That's great C.T. that things went so well and you have Chris in your life. What a great, great friend. I'm sure your late wife would be pleased to know that somebody has been there for you. That's really an understatement, she DOES sound like an angel.

  14. Default Re: Visiting Angel

    CT, I only met your wife a couple of times but I recall her being very sweet and kind. How fortunate that you've found another sweet and kind person to help you through that time. I'm sure your boys appreciate her too.

  15. #15
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I appreciate the comments and I am going to cut/past all of them and send
    them "across the pond". I'm not sure how I was so lucky, my late wife was
    a dream and now Chris is as well.
    Thanks friends,
    C. T.
    Across the pond? I thought she was from back east, like Arkansas. I never
    thought she was on the other side of Texoma.

    Live and learn.


  16. #16

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Well, my visiting angel has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Today, they performed a lumpectomy and things seem to be going well even though I haven't been able to talk to her. I think what I hate the most is that she came here to take care of me and I can't reciprocate. I did go to London when she had surgery in the late winter of 2012 but now my health won't allow me to travel. I lost my wife to breast cancer, metastasized to the liver on October 6th 2005, so this has really been difficult, not only the same disease, but the same time frame. Dianna (my late wife) was diagnosed in October, 2001. Now what I need is a little cheese to go along with my "whine". This is a great place to "dump" and believe me, that's what I am doing. No replies necessary, I'm just glad to have a venue to whine.
    C. T.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Prayers inbound for you as well as your angel.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    My goodness, that's so hard and I am sorry for both of you. Here's hoping that they got it all. Will she have to have further treatment? I will keep both of you in my prayers.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    My goodness, that's so hard and I am sorry for both of you. Here's hoping that they got it all. Will she have to have further treatment? I will keep both of you in my prayers.
    Yes, she will have what they call "radio therapy" which is a coverup (in my opinion) for radiation. No chemo is necessary.
    C. T.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Visiting Angel


    My prayers are with you and your visiting angel. Feel free to dump here anytime.


  21. #21

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    My thoughts and prayers are out for both of you.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    My friend Chris, had a successful surgery, she had some pain (normal of course), but also experienced some nausea which is not normal. I talked to her today and she is doing very well. Her friend will stay till Thursday and she has been an angel because she won't let Chris do anything. She is an old friend and has is spending every day and night at Chris' home.
    Thanks for allowing me to vent.
    C. T.

  23. Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Well, you may not be able to visit her personally, but you can mobilize resources here! Give us an address where we can send get-well cards. I think she'd be shocked to get a bunch of get-well cards from random American's calling themselves "A friend of CT Chander".

    Though it may not be a great idea to post her info online. Perhaps respond via PM to anyone interested in sending a card?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    Well, you may not be able to visit her personally, but you can mobilize resources here! Give us an address where we can send get-well cards. I think she'd be shocked to get a bunch of get-well cards from random American's calling themselves "A friend of CT Chander".

    Though it may not be a great idea to post her info online. Perhaps respond via PM to anyone interested in sending a card?
    Thanks, I pm'd you and very much appreciate your kind remarks/thoughts. It will blow her mind to receive something from this side of the pond. I sent her a very nice bouquet and she was absolutely shocked. I guess she is not used to receiving flowers from anybody.
    C. T.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Visiting Angel

    Best wishes for a good recovery for you both.

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