|category1=Auotmobile Alley
|address=36 NE 10th
|start=Early 2014
|sq. feet=
|other=Private residence + rental unit
Information & Latest News
10/4/13: http://www.oklahoman.com/article/3889549?embargo=1
The Jesus Saves sign, Scaramucci said, will be re-created in neon lights.
“We are not trying to recreate in a hokey way, but take the best of the original ideas and do it in a new way,” Scaramucci said. “It's such a quirky building. It's a real opportunity.”
The designs call for a new steel structure to be built within the original brick building, with 3,000 square feet of housing to be created on each floor. Self's home will be on the second floor, while a rental unit will be built on the north ground floor.
The new home will include an enclosed park and two terraces. The building also is being soundproofed to block out noise from nearby trains.
County Assessor Record