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Thread: 9/8 - Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert in Bricktown

  1. #1

    Default 9/8 - Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert in Bricktown

    Four local bands and a local business are coming together this Thursday night to help our brothers and sisters along the Gulf Coast.

    Admission is FREE!! All proceeds from the bar will be matched by Bricktown Live and given to the American Red Cross.

    Student Film (Indie Pop - somewhere between Radiohead & The Beatles)
    The Evangelicals (Psychedelic Pop - somewhere between Magnetic Fields & The Flaming Lips)
    The Stock Market Crash (New Wave Pop - somewhere between The Stills & Mercury Rev)
    Twenty Minutes to Vegas (Garage Surf Rock - somewhere between The Gadjits & The Who)
    DJ John Bourke

    Bricktown Live, 319 E. Sheridan (between Wormy Dog Saloon & PURE)
    Doors open at 7pm

    If you plan on being in Bricktown Thursday night, please stop by, order a drink and hang out (even if it's for five minutes).

    For more info, visit OklahomaRock.com.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Default Re: 9/8 - Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert in Bricktown

    Crap. I Missed it. Good line up thogh. How'd it go?

  3. #3

    Default Re: 9/8 - Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert in Bricktown

    It went really well. A lot of people came out and we raised over $3000 for the American Red Cross.

    The downer of the night was one of the bands had to cancel because their drummer was arrested for parking in the wrong spot while loading in. It's pretty messed up.

  4. Default Re: 9/8 - Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert in Bricktown

    Parking in the wrong spot??? OMG, was there something more to the story?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 9/8 - Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert in Bricktown

    arrested for parking
    Wow. I have never heard of that. Unless, of course, he parked on someone.

  6. Default Re: 9/8 - Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert in Bricktown

    Lol !
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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