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Thread: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

  1. #1

    Default New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

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    Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

  4. #4

    Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    Wow, 555 units.

    That's almost twice the number of The Edge, for perspective.

    OU, Campus Corner and Norman would greatly benefit from much higher density within walking distance of campus.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    This looks fantastic and I'd love to think this will be approved easily. But don't underestimate the NIMBYs and their power in Norman.

  6. #6

    Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    I love it and hope it gets approved. I enjoy living in a house but I'd even consider moving back to an apartment for that sort of lifestyle/location.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    These are the same guys and it's basically the same plan that was pitched for immediately behind Campus Corner a year or so ago. I really liked that pitch (in fact I liked the location better than this one), but it received a surprisingly strong negative reaction from folks in the community. This time the pitch is for an area just east of the campus, sort of on the way towards The Mont if that makes sense.

    I think this development will actually generate a lot more protests, but I think none of them will be from people the city cares about so it'll probably happen this time. It's speculative, but I do wonder if OU and/or Campus Corner torpedoed the last pitch.

    I think most in the city will probably be supportive of this development. That area has been in dire need of some kind of redevelopment for some time. I think it's great that east Norman is so walkable and this will just add to that.

  8. Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    Looks like a win to me. Get more walkable living near campus and toss some of those housing that rapes students on price for what they get, just because it's close. Now if only more of the homeowners north of campus corner would invest in their homes and do some badly needed renovations. There are some sporadic ones that have been done, but there a LOT more that need it.

  9. Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    From the sounds of it, the neighborhood is definitely against it - which isn't a shock. They are kind of on an oasis surrounded by older apartments. The location isn't bad, I would much rather have seen their other idea go through which was north of Boyd. That is a much more desperate looking neighborhood and would probably do more to rehabilitate Boyd all the way to Campus Corner. Still...more high density development needs to happen in that part of Norman to grow the core.

  10. #10

    Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    If this is successful then hopefully that encourages similar projects north of Boyd. When is the urban master plan that OU was working on for the Campus Corner to Downtown area supposed to be finished and presented? I thought it was by the end of the year.

  11. Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Wow, 555 units.

    That's almost twice the number of The Edge, for perspective.

    OU, Campus Corner and Norman would greatly benefit from much higher density within walking distance of campus.
    may be twice as many units but the units appear (and likely will be) smaller due to the demographics and end use of the development.

    nevertheless, good news and we need more of these! quick
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  12. #12

    Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    If this is successful then hopefully that encourages similar projects north of Boyd. When is the urban master plan that OU was working on for the Campus Corner to Downtown area supposed to be finished and presented? I thought it was by the end of the year.
    It is not necessarily a master plan, per se. It will be a zoning and code reform, likely proposing and implementing a form based code for the area. Last I heard (about a month ago), multiple drafts had made the rounds through Norman's planning department and the committee will be reconvening here within the next month or two (at most) to review before it goes to Council.

  13. #13

    Default Re: New High Density Apartment Complex near Campus Corner by the Elsey Brothers

    A long time ago I heard OU had its eye on this area and on other nearby properties south of Boyd near the tracks. A gut feeling tells me that if the other locations north of Boyd were not approved that this location will have difficulty ever being built.

    I don’t understand why the redevelopment north of Boyd near the tracks was not approved?
    It seems like a great location and it would replace several very poorly maintained homes.

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