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Thread: Park Harvey Apartments

  1. #1

    Far North Park Harvey Apartments

    200 N. Harvey
    owner=Dick Tanenbaum
    cost=$16,474,000 renovations
    finish=Spring 2008
    height=17 stories
    sq. feet=169,874
    164 apartments

    Information & Latest News

    Enter latest news here.

    • Park Harvey Athletic Club
    • Gaijin Sushi


    County Assessor Record
    Park Harvey website

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by saxplaya View Post
    Looking to move downtown and this property intrigues me. Does anyone on here have any experience living here? If so, what are your opinions about the location, property manager, price, etc?
    I don't know much about the Park Harvey itself, but live at The Classen (4 years now), which has the same ownership, and Becky, the property manager at Park Harvey, was here at The Classen for years before transferring, and she's the best.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Park Harvey is right in the middle of downtown. Right next to the nice downtown library. When I looked at the apartments they ranged from around $700-1000 or so. They are nice, but nothing crazy. Downtown gets dead at night, but it is close to lots to do. Park Harvey Sushi is on the bottom floor and is awesome! They also have an athletic club. I've never lived there, but that's what I know. I hope that helped... What are you looking for? Maybe I could recommend other options since I just went through the apartment search a year ago?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    There's also a Subway right close to the north, but I don't know what hours it keeps, if any, in the evenings.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    I lived downtown, but not at Park Harvey. When I was moving to OKC, I looked at the Park Harvey Apartments twice. You cannot beat the location. Ultimately, what made me choose not to live there was the fact that there are no balconies and the windows do not open. Call me crunchy, but I just can't imagine living without being able to open a window.

    However, that building is just plain cool. Fairly spacious apartments, even at the lowest price level, and a comfortable layout. The lowest price level's views are non-existent, though...the cheapest apartments are on the east side of the building, and your view is literally of an office building window less than 5 feet away from your own window.

    That may not be the most helpful review, since I didn't actually live there, but I get awfully excited when I hear from people looking to move downtown!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    The one issue I have with PH is the fact that there is no attached or private parking. I (or my fiancee) don't feel comfortable walking to/from the parking garage at night.

    Are there any other options downtown with private or very safe parking areas? (Deep Deuce is on my radar)

  7. Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    For those who aren't sure, here's the building that they are talking about.


    Here's some photos from 1958, shortly after it was built. Virtually unchanged on the outside since that year.

    Quote Originally Posted by JayhawkTransplant View Post
    ...the cheapest apartments are on the east side of the building, and your view is literally of an office building window less than 5 feet away from your own window.

    If you really like looking at Leadership Square South.

  8. Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Well if you're on that side, you'll be able to keep your cooling costs down pretty low. LOL.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Deep Deuce are fun apartments, but they are poorly managed. I know a lot of people that were unhappy with getting things fixed and such. A decent and really cheap place in Midtown are the Claremont Apartments. I lived there and loved it. The Sieber is more expensive, but very nice. Hadden Hall is nice I hear... A lot of these options are a mile north of downtown...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Thanks for the info KT!

    Anyone have any experience at Regency Tower? The reviews online are mixed and I can't decide if it really is a good place to live or not.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by saxplaya View Post
    Thanks for the info KT!

    Anyone have any experience at Regency Tower? The reviews online are mixed and I can't decide if it really is a good place to live or not.
    My buddy has an Awesome 1bdrm apt at the Regency with a balcony facing the skyline and he also has garaged private parking and all utilities paid for like $800/month!Nice place with all the renovations going on you might be able to get a discounted price before the renovations are done!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Park Harvey is WAY too noisy with the Devon Tower construction. I know several that have moved out. Also, the windows don't open, which is a deal breaker for me. I lived in Regency a year ago and loved it. A real mixed crowd. Think lower eastside highrise.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    I'm really surprised with the positive comments about Regency. When I was looking for a place I looked there and it was by far the dirtiest and worst place. Maybe they've cleaned up, but when I was there I felt like I was transported into a '70s slum. Everything was out of date and smelly... Again, maybe it has changed.

    Also just check out Midtown Renaissance's website. They have several other renovated places...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by KilgoreTrout View Post
    I'm really surprised with the positive comments about Regency. When I was looking for a place I looked there and it was by far the dirtiest and worst place. Maybe they've cleaned up, but when I was there I felt like I was transported into a '70s slum. Everything was out of date and smelly... Again, maybe it has changed.

    How long ago were you looking at Regency? Most of the online reviews are positive...but I'm somewhat skeptical of those websites.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    It was a year ago. Can't hurt to check them out, right? Again, good luck. I went through the same thing last year. Wanted to live downtown, but didn't have any idea. I absolutely love it in this area.

  16. Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by saxplaya View Post
    Thanks for the info KT!

    Anyone have any experience at Regency Tower? The reviews online are mixed and I can't decide if it really is a good place to live or not.
    I lived there for awhile, but it was during the OKC Bombing (before and after). It was just 'okay' prior to the bombing, but after it forced them to do some renovations. My unit was like new. That said, the decor was nothing special at all, could have been any apartment anywhere in town - low end appliances, laminate countertops, etc. But I had a downtown view in a 2-bedroom near the top and that made up for everything. The weird thing I really hated (don't know if its still this way) was the apartment doors had like a 2-3 inch gap at the bottom. They said it was fire code. You could literally get on the floor and look into someone's apartment - which a few people were caught doing.

    I hear they've really cleaned up the pool, fitness area and laundry area (no washer/dryer in the units). Again, its been a long time since I was there, but if I was single and looking I'd at least check it out. Gotta be the best views in downtown for the price.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    I wrote about this in the Regency Towers thread, but I also felt they were a bit...dirty and outdated when I looked at them. However, I'd be very interested in looking at them now that they are renovating.

    I lived at Legacy at Arts Quarter. It has no cool history, but I really loved living there. The garage is located on the interior of the 'compound,' so you and your fiancee might feel more comfortable with that. I'd recommend putting it on your list of places to go tour.

    Have you lived in a downtown area before? I probably err on the side of being risky, but I am a female and would walk to and from Bricktown from Legacy virtually every weekend during nice weather, usually alone. I'll be honest--a few times I even made my trek back home barefoot . I never felt unsafe. I'm not saying you have to make yourself feel comfortable crawling home from the bar at 2AM, but I think you should reconsider your position about safety at Park Harvey. Especially if you have never lived in a downtown area before, you might be surprised at how QUIET and comfortable things are downtown after hours.

    UnFrSakN, thank you for those photos! How cool!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    I toured Regency today and found that it was pretty nice. The clubhouse and pool cabana renovations are almost complete. The hallways and exterior were the only things that I thought were outdated. The model unit I looked at was fairly spacious and seemed modern enough. Also, the building has underground reserved parking and is almost near capacity (I take one of two things from that -- either everyone loves it and doesn't want to leave or maybe everyone is about to leave at the end of the summer?).

    Legacy at Arts Quarter is on my list and I'm going to try to look at it this weekend, it's a little bit pricey but I will definitely check it out.

    I've never lived in a downtown area and I don't think I have any security issues but the separate parking garage for living downtown could be an issue in the winter months with the cold, wind, snow, ice, etc... may not be very fun to deal with.

    Another area I've been looking at is some of the historical buildings in Midtown that have been renovated near St. Anthony's. http://midtownr.com/View.aspx?type=res is the website.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Legacy will give you a sizeable discount if you negotiate with them. Probably most of these places will...

    I am jealous! I miss living downtown very much.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by saxplaya View Post
    The one issue I have with PH is the fact that there is no attached or private parking. I (or my fiancee) don't feel comfortable walking to/from the parking garage at night.

    Are there any other options downtown with private or very safe parking areas? (Deep Deuce is on my radar)
    Downtown is safe.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    I lived at the Regency for years and it was outstanding.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Walking around downtown yesterday, I was immediately struck by how lousy this building looks.

    I know they can't really touch the facade, which puts them at a disadvantage right away, but there is a hodge-podge of tacky signs and faded awnings that are well below what should be an acceptable standard and really stand out due to the surrounding properties: Devon, Oklahoma Tower, Leadership Squaure and the Library.

    Tannenbaum needs to clean this up and do a better job here.

  23. Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Hey Pete, I understand they cannot alter the facade due to the building being on the National Historic Register? However, is it possible that they at least replace the windows and those brown window covers with new ones? The facade just looks so old and dirty.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Going only by the pic above but why would that building be on the National Historic Register and not be altered? Seems rather unremarkable on the surface (but so was the former India Temple building).

  25. #25

    Default Re: Park Harvey Apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by Architect2010 View Post
    Hey Pete, I understand they cannot alter the facade due to the building being on the National Historic Register? However, is it possible that they at least replace the windows and those brown window covers with new ones? The facade just looks so old and dirty.
    My understanding is that being on the National Historic Register doesn't prevent them from changing the facade. If they used historic tax credits in the remodel then they can't modify the historic characteristics for 5 years. I think that 5 years window recently expired.

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