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Thread: DirecTV is Awesome

  1. #1

    Default DirecTV is Awesome

    Let me just say I love DirecTV. I turned the TV on for the first time today and hit the guide and notice there was a little 'return' symbol (kind of a U-turn arrow) behind some of the program names. It has never been there before. As I was scrolling through I saw Caddyshack (with the little return symbol) was on but it was already half over. I figured 1/2 of Caddyshack was better than no Caddyshack so I clicked on it. That is when a little message popped up asking if I wanted to watch from the beginning. So even though I tuned in an hour late I get to see the whole show. How great is that?

  2. #2

    Default Re: DirecTV is Awesome

    I noticed that yesterday and didn't know what it was... thanks for the info!

  3. #3

    Default Re: DirecTV is Awesome

    It will be less awesome if the merger deal with ATT is approved.

  4. #4

    Default Re: DirecTV is Awesome

    Seriously they have one of the best set top boxes in the business. And yes, I'm also worried what happens when AT&T gobbles them up.

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