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Thread: South OKC circa 1959

  1. #1
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default South OKC circa 1959

    We moved to the southside in 1959, @ S.W. 63rd & S May. Hillcrest
    Elementary was under construction.

    Are there any members who lived in that area? I don't remember the name
    of the neighborhood. Was it Hillcrest? Knob Hill? Does anyone remember
    the Crawdad hole that was west of S. May Avenue? The Farm? Bicycle
    Hills? The Hungarian's Pond? Dead Man's Curve? Rabbit and 'possum
    hunting? The road used for Dragging on Friday and Saturday night?

  2. #2

    Default Re: South OKC circa 1959

    We called them suicide hills , what you're calling bicycle hills.

  3. #3

    Default Re: South OKC circa 1959

    Well, the neighborhood was Hillcrest, Dead Man's curve was the engineering fiasco going West and turning South on I-240 (I don't know the interstate name from back then), and there were several roads for dragging, marked off with hand painted stripes. The one I liked best was I-240 while it was under construction but there was one on South Portland, another on South Western and that's all I can think of off the top of my feeble old head. I lived very near (less than a block) from the Reding farm, so I'm not familiar with several of the things you mentioned.
    C. T.

  4. #4
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: South OKC circa 1959

    Hungarian's lake was behind the screen of the Hillcrest Drive in.

    We'd go hunting at night on SW 119th and the surrounding area. The roads
    were dirt. I'd sit on the hood of the car and Dad drove.

  5. #5

    Default Re: South OKC circa 1959

    That area was my paper route about 12 years later...

    If you're talking about the pond just south of Hillcrest DI, we called it Farmer's Pond. We used to fish there occasionally, climb the back of the screen and other types of mischief that teenage boys are apt to do. Had some great dirt clod fights on the raised areas of 240 when it was under construction. There was another pond just south of 89th st that we also used to frequent on our bicycles.

    A beer truck overturned on DMC one time and they just threw the beer off to the side of the road, we collected quite a bit in our paper bags and stashed it away till Friday night, nothing worse than drunk 13-14 year old teenagers

  6. #6

    Default Re: South OKC circa 1959

    That's just a bit South of where my mom grew up. She was on Murray Drive, off S. May & one street up from SW 48th. She graduated from US Grant in 1965.

  7. #7
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: South OKC circa 1959

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackmoreRulz View Post
    That area was my paper route about 12 years later...

    If you're talking about the pond just south of Hillcrest DI, we called it Farmer's Pond.
    That's the one. It was full of leeches. Climbing on the screen. LOL!
    Some friend built a raft. It sank.
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackmoreRulz View Post
    ... A beer truck overturned on DMC one time and they just threw the beer off
    to the side of the road, we collected quite a bit in our paper bags and stashed
    it away till Friday night, nothing worse than drunk 13-14 year old teenagers
    I lived at SW 63rd & May. Missed the DMC incident. Mom got so tired of
    gas/propane etc... trucks losing control that she refused to evacuate.

    One afternoon I was riding with a friend in at 66 or 67 Triumph. We hit
    the dip just before the curve (right over May Ave.) into DMC at about 65mph.
    We were in the left lane and he was cranking the steering wheel very hard.
    We started moving into the the right lane that was occupied by a semi. I looked
    up and my side of the car was under the truck. The only thing I could yell to
    express my sentiment was, "Cool! Very cool!" It was quite exciting.

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