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Thread: Humans will live on the Moon within 30-40 years, predicts Commander Chris Hadfield

  1. #1
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Humans will live on the Moon within 30-40 years, predicts Commander Chris Hadfield

    Why would anyone want to live on the Moon?

    From The Telegraph

    Commander Chris Hadfield, the astronaut who captured the public's
    imagination when he recorded David Bowie's Space Oddity in the
    International Space Station, has predicted man will live on the Moon
    within his lifetime.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Humans will live on the Moon within 30-40 years, predicts Commander Chris Hadfiel

    That's a healthy life...84-94 years of age. I can see it now, like in the new 'Time Machine' with Guy Pierce, where in the future, the moon is broken due to lunar drilling and pieces of it are impacting the surface of the earth due to gravitational forces thus destroying mankind.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Humans will live on the Moon within 30-40 years, predicts Commander Chris Hadfiel

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    That's a healthy life...84-94 years of age. I can see it now, like in the new 'Time Machine' with Guy Pierce, where in the future, the moon is broken due to lunar drilling and pieces of it are impacting the surface of the earth due to gravitational forces thus destroying mankind.
    You would be having to doing a lot more than drilling to get pieces of the mood out of it's gravity well, it may only have one sixth earth's gravity but getting anything to escape velocity still will take a lot of force, it is doubtful any industrial explosions would even give even small rocks or dust enough thrust to clear the moon's gravity and even if it did get in earths path we already run into tons of asteroids and debris from asteroids or comets daily (with even more exotic materials than are on the moon) so that would not be an issue either.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Humans will live on the Moon within 30-40 years, predicts Commander Chris Hadfiel

    Cool. Why not?

  5. Default Re: Humans will live on the Moon within 30-40 years, predicts Commander Chris Hadfiel

    I so tried to get my wife to sign up with me for the manned mission to Mars - I'm certain some people would be lining up to help assure I left this planet!

    Moon life wouldn't be so bad, and its a heck of a lot closer.

  6. Default Re: Humans will live on the Moon within 30-40 years, predicts Commander Chris Hadfiel

    Sign me up! I'll be the first man to cook BBQ on the moon!

    There are trees and oxygen on the moon right?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Humans will live on the Moon within 30-40 years, predicts Commander Chris Hadfiel

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    You would be having to doing a lot more than drilling to get pieces of the mood out of it's gravity well, it may only have one sixth earth's gravity but getting anything to escape velocity still will take a lot of force, it is doubtful any industrial explosions would even give even small rocks or dust enough thrust to clear the moon's gravity and even if it did get in earths path we already run into tons of asteroids and debris from asteroids or comets daily (with even more exotic materials than are on the moon) so that would not be an issue either.
    It was a movie....based on a classic science fiction novel by HG Wells ;-)

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