That's interesting as it seems the latest stores 711 has been building have been 'larger/nicer', at least in comparison to their older stores. At any rate that does make sense, however, 711 doesn't have any Oncues in Moore to compete with and I'm not so sure if/when they will and here's why, 3 years ago I contacted Oncue more/less begging them to build a store in Moore, specifically something on the East/southeast side (to be more convenient for me of course

) and here's the response I got from the Director of Operations " Moore is on our radar. We have tried to find a spot there but it has either been too small or too expensive. We will not give up though. I appreciate your business. Let me know if you see any good corners for sale."
I followed up with a few locations I thought would be potential leads but haven't heard anything as of late. Honestly finding a good corner lot that isn't expensive isn't going to be an easy find, which is exactly why I think 711 will rebuild at 4th and Telephone. Perhaps that same corner (SW corner of 4th and Broadway) I mentioned above could be an option for OnCue as well but that may be too much money/trouble having to deal with securing property from multiple owners.