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Thread: Mike Steely

  1. #1

    Default Mike Steely

    I am hearing rumors that Mike Steely is no longer working for WWLS The Sports Animal Can anyone confirmed that to me.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    I am hearing rumors that Mike Steely is no longer working for WWLS The Sports Animal Can anyone confirmed that to me.
    Just on vacation, from what I understand. It was a little odd last week because he and Curtis were on vacation at the same time, so Mark Rodgers and John Rohde were subbing, and this week Steely is the only one off.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Wow, I hope that's not true.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    BIG shakeup getting ready to happen in local sports radio.

    Wish I could say more but I can't at this point.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Hopefully they get rid of the Morning Animals and have a radio show with Matt Pinto

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Matt Pinto does do a great job. I'm always pleased if I turn the radio on and hear his voice.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    BIG shakeup getting ready to happen in local sports radio.

    Wish I could say more but I can't at this point.
    Now c'mon, Pete, you can't come here and say something like THAT and then duck out

    How 'bout a hint?

    Pure speculation: A "big" shakeup would have to involve either departure/retirement of either Eschbach or Traber from WWLS, or if the other sports station in town is changing formats/closing shop. Another "big" shakeup might be if WWLS were to lose its status as flagship for the Thunder, I suppose, but I can't see that happening. About the only other thing I can think of would be a lot of names at the Animal leaving, moving to another station, or changing schedules.

    Can you say if I'm at least in the ballpark, Pete??

    I must admit that as only a casual basketball fan its hard for me to enjoy Thunder/Matt Pinto discussions much into the offseason, but I guess that's my problem. I'd love to hear more of John Rohde on the Animal, think he brings a great presence to whatever discussions he's on. It wouldn't surprise me if Mark Rodgers were to leave, as he doesn't strike me as one of their more popular personas. Don't dislike him, just doesn't strike me as especially "magnetic," but I don't know that his departure would be a "big shakeup..."

    Ahhh, the speculation!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    Hopefully they get rid of the Morning Animals and have a radio show with Matt Pinto
    Not impossible, but from what I understand the morning show is actually pretty successful, ratings-wise, so unless they're really overhauling the station I doubt they'll ditch it.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Haven't listened to the animal in quite some time. Every time I turn over a commercial is on.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by okcboomer View Post
    Haven't listened to the animal in quite some time. Every time I turn over a commercial is on.
    Yeah, commercials are taking over everywhere. Gotta pay the bills somehow, I guess. Don't imagine they're any less frequent on WWLS than other stations.

    I listen to them off and on most days, and even with commercials its better than listening to the clackety-clack of keyboards in my office. Harmless entertainment, I 'spose.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Check into podcasts.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by okcboomer View Post
    Check into podcasts.
    At work, its just easier to turn on the Animal and let it go.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Not impossible, but from what I understand the morning show is actually pretty successful, ratings-wise, so unless they're really overhauling the station I doubt they'll ditch it.
    True that the morning show is successful. But I don't get it. I may be showing how ancient I am but I think about 90% of what they consider fully is just plain stupid.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    True that the morning show is successful. But I don't get it. I may be showing how ancient I am but I think about 90% of what they consider fully is just plain stupid.
    They're obviously no Johnny Carson (how's THAT for showing one's age ), and yeah, sometimes they break into the stupid, but hey, its local radio, my expectations aren't that high, and who knows, maybe I'm just dense enough to be easily entertained. Its not for everyone, to be sure, but most of the time its harmless silliness. I just don't get into too much pop music, so they're good enough for me.

    My only real complaint with them is when they (primarily Lump) wanders off into the genuinely crude/disgusting, and I just turn it off for a while. I do enjoy Pat Jones' insights on BBJ's show. Eschbach is not nearly as relevant now has he was back in the heyday of the wishbone, back when he more or less was part of the birth of sports radio when he did a sports talk segment on KTOK AM 1000 between 6 and 7pm weeknights back in the mid/late 70's...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    I kind of hope it's Al's time to go...as someone that's a youngster, I don't really enjoy listening to Al talk at all really. I'm glad his show is the night cap though, because by that time I'm at home or out doing something so I don't have to listen to it (like at work when I listen to the other shows).

    I'd be ok if these people left: Lump, Al, BBJ (staple in local media, I just don't care for his radio show).
    I'd be disappointed if these people left: Curtis, Rodgers, Traber (annoying guy, entertaining show).
    Need more of: Rhode, Curtis, Pinto (only during NBA season..)

  16. #16
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    "Yesterday, 04:06 PM #4 Pete

    BIG shakeup getting ready to happen in local sports radio.

    Wish I could say more but I can't at this point."

    Pete, were you talking about the new venture with Tyler Media that the Lost Ogle tweeted about this morning?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    From Twitter:

    "ZMediaCritic has learned Mike Steely is leaving the Sports Animal for a new radio venture with OKC Tyler Media."

    So I guess he really is gone from the Animal. That's too bad, enjoyed his "calming" influence on the show. Wish him well.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Also i am he hearing rumors that they are letting go the attire Morning Animals Staff and Mark Rogers and Jim Traber leaving the station. Can't Confirmed it but thats what i am hearing as of right now

  19. #19

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    Also i am he hearing rumors that they are letting go the attire Morning Animals Staff and Mark Rogers and Jim Traber leaving the station. Can't Confirmed it but thats what i am hearing as of right now
    That would be a big deal. Wonder if Rogers is done with broadcast media, or if perhaps he's following Steely (and Fitzpatrick?) to the Tyler gig. Wow. Lots of stuff going on.

    If the Traber story is true, it could be for health reasons as much as anything. Realize lots of folks don't like him for various reasons, but he's just done the hip replacement, and he's pending shoulder surgery, and at some point the radio gig may not be worth the hassle. However, he did talk about looking forward to covering the upcoming football season just before his vacation, so that would suggest he wasn't expecting to leave, and I can't fathom they'd want him to leave - big ratings draw whether positive or negative.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    "Yesterday, 04:06 PM #4 Pete

    BIG shakeup getting ready to happen in local sports radio.

    Wish I could say more but I can't at this point."

    Pete, were you talking about the new venture with Tyler Media that the Lost Ogle tweeted about this morning?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    I can't believe how many of you still listen to this station. I've been listening to KREF for about the past 5 years and it's much better. Although Toby was better before he became the voice of the Sooners. Now he has too many interviews with OU people. But still better than anything the SA has to offer.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    others are saying that rodgers and traber are going to the new station as well ..

  23. #23
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    I don't listen to sports radio at all here. Even if they had better on-air talent more of the time, I can't stand the poor quality of the signal.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    I can't believe how many of you still listen to this station. I've been listening to KREF for about the past 5 years and it's much better. Although Toby was better before he became the voice of the Sooners. Now he has too many interviews with OU people. But still better than anything the SA has to offer.
    Guess its just a matter of preference. Tried KREF a few times and just didn't care for it. Potayto, potahto..

  25. #25

    Default Re: Mike Steely

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    others are saying that rodgers and traber are going to the new station as well ..
    WOW - this would be a huge blow to the Animal. Hate him or not, Traber is a big ratings draw.

    Wonder when formal announcements will happen?

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