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Thread: RIP Tom Clancy

  1. #1

    Default RIP Tom Clancy

    (CNN) -- Author Tom Clancy, whose novel, "The Hunt for Red October" propelled him to fame, fortune and status as a favorite storyteller of the American military, has died, according to sources with his publisher and family. He was 66.

    The cause of death wasn't immediately available.

    A Baltimore-born former insurance agent, Clancy was known for writing meticulous thrillers focusing on political intrigue and military tactics and technology. He published 28 books -- including a new novel yet to be released.

    Several were made into Hollywood blockbusters, including "The Hunt for Red October," "Patriot Games," and "The Sum of All Fears."

    The sometimes perilous business of spy thrillers

    His writings also provided the inspiration for the "Rainbow Six," "Ghost Recon" and "Splinter Cell," video game series.

    His writing gained him a loyal following within the armed forces in the United States and abroad, giving him inside access that frequently informed the plots of his books. But in a 2003 CNN interview, Clancy said he was always careful not to reveal classified information or sensitive details of how the elite troops he often wrote about operated.

    "I'll never decide for commercial reasons to put something in that endangers our national security. You just can't do that," he said in a 2003 CNN interview. "There was one thing, I discussed with a friend of mine in the Royal Navy. I told him a story I knew, and he said, well, Tom, you may never repeat that, as long as you live. And I haven't."

    His new novel, "Command Authority," is scheduled for December publication.

  2. #2
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Wow, that seems pretty sudden. I wasn't aware of him having health problems.

  3. #3

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    very sad for his family ...

    and selfishly that is 2 of my favorite authors that have passed this year .. Clancy and Vince Flynn

  4. #4

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Very sad news indeed.

    I wish his family and friends well and send them my prayers and thoughts during their tough time.

  5. #5

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    What a great story-teller....

    RIP Tom Clancy

    I have fond memories of playing Rainbow Six on the computer as a kid!

  6. #6

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Not a video game fan, but Rainbow 6 was an awesome read.

  7. #7

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    It wasn't one of his most acclaimed books but I really enjoyed reading Red Storm Rising.
    RIP.... he was a great man

  8. #8

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    I remember after The Hunt For Red October came out Tom Clancy said in an interview that U.S. government officials told him he could not publish the book because of the detailed sensitive information in it. Tom Clancy replied that eveything in the book came from public sources and nothing was classified or not available to the public.

    Bigray in Ok

  9. #9

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    I never read his books, but the video games were great! RIP Tom Clancy...

  10. #10

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I never read his books, but the video games were great! RIP Tom Clancy...
    The books were even better

  11. #11

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    The books were even better
    I'll check them out some day. I have ADHD so it is hard to sit and focus reading for me, but I might pick up an audi tape somewhere, if I can find one.

  12. #12

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I'll check them out some day. I have ADHD so it is hard to sit and focus reading for me, but I might pick up an audi tape somewhere, if I can find one.
    That's a good idea. I get those when I have a long drive.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    I've read the covers off of several of his books. RIP Mr. Clancy.

  14. #14

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I'll check them out some day. I have ADHD so it is hard to sit and focus reading for me, but I might pick up an audi tape somewhere, if I can find one.
    Get an audio book and listen while you game? The difference in pace might play havoc with your ADHD though.

  15. #15

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigrayok View Post
    I remember after The Hunt For Red October came out Tom Clancy said in an interview that U.S. government officials told him he could not publish the book because of the detailed sensitive information in it. Tom Clancy replied that eveything in the book came from public sources and nothing was classified or not available to the public.

    Bigray in Ok
    I read Hunt For Red October while I was in nuclear power training and was taken aback by the realism in the account of the Soviet reactor incident. I was hooked and bought nearly every hardcover he ever released subsequently.

  16. #16
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    What's your favorite Clancy work?

    I'll have to go with Without Remorse. Loved the back story of John Clark.

  17. #17

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Get an audio book and listen while you game? The difference in pace might play havoc with your ADHD though.
    You know, that is not a bad idea at all. Obviously, when I'm doing campaign missions I have to listen to what is going on, but it would work great in competitive multiplayer. I can tune out the douchebags and listen away haha.

    ps. if you're not familiar with campaign, the campaign is mainly the story of the game and multiplayer is where you just shoot each other lol. . . sorry if you already knew that, I know I've talked about playing campaigns with people whom are not familiar with video games and they are.... dafuq is a campaign??? ;P

  18. #18

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    You know, that is not a bad idea at all. Obviously, when I'm doing campaign missions I have to listen to what is going on, but it would work great in competitive multiplayer. I can tune out the douchebags and listen away haha.

    ps. if you're not familiar with campaign, the campaign is mainly the story of the game and multiplayer is where you just shoot each other lol. . . sorry if you already knew that, I know I've talked about playing campaigns with people whom are not familiar with video games and they are.... dafuq is a campaign??? ;P
    Explain away. I'm not a gamer. I once was an arcader back in the days of Sharpshooter pinball, Asteroids, Centipede and Missile Command.

    .oO(ya know yer oldish when you can recall Pong being the only video game in the joint)Oo.

  19. #19

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    A big loss. He was a great novelist, it would be hard to pick a favorite. Is there any word on cause of death? 66, these days, is pretty darn young.

  20. #20

    Default Re: RIP Tom Clancy

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    What's your favorite Clancy work?

    I'll have to go with Without Remorse. Loved the back story of John Clark.
    The only Tom Clancy book that I ever made it all the way through was "Debt of Honor"
    It was a real "page-turner".

    To this very day I like to quote the "plot tag line" from that novel:
    "If it isn't written down, it never happened."

    (The film versions of several of his novels are some of my favorite movies . . .)

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