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Thread: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

  1. #1

    Default Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Ben Affleck has been cast as Batman for the untitled Batman-Superman movie.

    From Variety:

    The actor will replace Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in the upcoming untitled Batman-Superman feature for Warner Bros., the studio announced Thursday.

    Affleck becomes the eighth actor to play the Caped Crusader, following Bale, George Clooney and Michael Keaton.

    “We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics’ most enduringly popular Super Heroes, and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill, and then some,” WB president Greg Silverman said in a statement.

    Directed by “Man of Steel” filmmaker Zack Snyder, the Batman-Superman feature will open worldwide on July 17, 2015, with Henry Cavill, Amy Adams and Diane Lane reprising their roles.

    “Man of Steel,” released this past June, has earned over $650 million at the global box office.

    “Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne,” Snyder said in a statement. “I can’t wait to work with him.”

    The announcement of a Batman-Superman film was revealed last month at Comic-Con to much excitement of fanboys, who will surely be watching as the studio begins to assemble its Justice League.

    The irony of Thursday’s news is that at one point Warner Bros. was interested in having Affleck direct the “Justice League” movie and his participation in this film will now spur interest if whether his casting means a possibility of directing that film.

    The Boston native recently upped his Hollywood power when he won the Best Picture Oscar for “Argo.”

    Affleck, repped by WME, can be seen next in Fox and New Regency’s thriller “Runner Runner.”

    Ben Affleck Is Batman | Variety

  2. Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    (heavy sigh)

  3. Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    This is awesome news! Now I can go enjoy the movie without having to wait in line with all the fanboys.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    If George Clooney can do it......

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    For all those who have not see The Dark Knight Rises: Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!

    I am curious how they will explain his death at the end of TDR. Obviously, the autopilot worked and he got out at some point, but do they go into a lot of detail? Do they just act like it never happened?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    I am curious how they will explain his death at the end of TDR. Obviously, the autopilot worked and he got out at some point, but do they go into a lot of detail? Do they just act like it never happened?
    this is a reboot ... not part of that series

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    this is a reboot ... not part of that series
    That makes more sense. It will shave off a few minutes of explanation in the movie.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Is Matt Damon to be Robin? Personally, I take this news as a joke.

  9. Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    this is a reboot ... not part of that series
    I don't really think you can call it a reboot. It is just another take on the story. I think we get too use to the way movies have been "rebooting" series to remember that the comic books tend to run various versions/universes of that character at the same time.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    I don't really think you can call it a reboot. It is just another take on the story. I think we get too use to the way movies have been "rebooting" series to remember that the comic books tend to run various versions/universes of that character at the same time.
    Yeah no doubt. Im pretty certain I have the Trade Paper Back of Batman vs. Superman from the 1990s. Doubt I read it. Just plopped it in plastic and sealed it!

    Not to show my nerdyness but if anyone else recalls, Wizard Magazine which was a popular priceguide for comic book collecting in the 1990s when Image and Valiant comics were the new kids on the block, always did articles where they showed a character from a comic book and what actor/actress most looks like them. Bruce Wayne isn't suppose to make you laugh.

  11. Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    I'm not going to pass judgement till I see the movie. I remember when when Ledger was cast as joker the internet was up in arms (including myself) and look how that turned out. I will still see the movie in the theatre and then I will make my judgements.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by elitespy View Post
    I'm not going to pass judgement till I see the movie. I remember when when Ledger was cast as joker the internet was up in arms (including myself) and look how that turned out. I will still see the movie in the theatre and then I will make my judgements.
    Ledger was a brilliant young actor with a promising career. Ben has Argo. That's it.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Ledger was a brilliant young actor with a promising career. Ben has Argo. That's it.
    False. He's also got Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    I have to agree that he is extraordinary. Off the top of my head, I can not think of an actor who packs in more ordinary per pound than he.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Ledger was a brilliant young actor with a promising career. Ben has Argo. That's it.
    He has Daredevil also. That's a positive right? Ok, maybe not. lol

    I have my doubts about this upcoming Superman/Batman, it has the high potential to be unbalanced. The Man of Steel took a big chuck of the movie just to give Superman's back story. I guess this new movie is just going to be about Superman coming across some millionaire who dresses up as a bat and is kind of a jerk sometimes.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Ledger was a brilliant young actor with a promising career. Ben has Argo. That's it.
    Goodwill Hunting was outstanding, imho.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Goodwill Hunting was outstanding, imho.
    Yes, great movie. Affleck's also a really good director. One of the last things Roger Ebert had to say about Affleck was that he needs to be behind the camera more and he thought Affleck has what it takes to be a great, great director if he committed himself to that. He directed Argo, The Town, and Gone Baby Gone. All excellent movies and all critically very well received for the direction.

  18. #18
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    He might surprise a few folks. I hope.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by elitespy View Post
    I'm not going to pass judgement till I see the movie. I remember when when Ledger was cast as joker the internet was up in arms (including myself) and look how that turned out. I will still see the movie in the theatre and then I will make my judgements.
    The difference is he was cast by Christopher Nolan and this is completely different director. I trust Nolan wholeheartedly, but I am not sure about Zack Snyder.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    It can't be worse than George "Holy Bat Nipples" Clooney. I'm not opposed to this, but I'm also one of the few who though Val Kilmer was a better Batman than Michael Keaton. I loved Christian Bale in the role and wish he would have stayed on, but I think Affleck will surprise some people.

  21. #21
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    George Clooney has the poster from his batman movie in his office to remind him to never do a flick just for the money again.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    I saw the Clooney movie again the other day. I came away with a new appreciation for it. Sure it sucked when I was 20, but now it's a Batman movie I can let my 8 year old nephew watch. It's like the Adam West Batman all over again. Not exactly my cup of tea, but it was full of BIFF! BAM! POW!

    But Affleck?

    "Who's your favorite New Kid?"

  23. #23

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by cleanskull View Post
    George Clooney has the poster from his batman movie in his office to remind him to never do a flick just for the money again.
    At least the movie was good for something

  24. #24
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    I don't really think you can call it a reboot. It is just another take on the story. I think we get too use to the way movies have been "rebooting" series to remember that the comic books tend to run various versions/universes of that character at the same time.
    Re-Imagined is the buzz word your looking for. That's what they called the newer BSG. I will probably go see it and then make either gripe or hoot and holler after.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Ben Affleck cast as Batman

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    For all those who have not see The Dark Knight Rises: Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!

    I am curious how they will explain his death at the end of TDR. Obviously, the autopilot worked and he got out at some point, but do they go into a lot of detail? Do they just act like it never happened?
    I think you may need to rewatch the ending. They show him alive at the end.

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