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Thread: How do metro schools pick library books?

  1. #1

    Question How do metro schools pick library books?

    I need to find out what procedures and policies schools use to pick books for their libraries. My son goes to Deer Creek Elementary and is in Kindergarten. He brought home a book that had references to using guns, kidnapping, torture, and murder. I know of other instances of books like these at OKC, Guthrie, and Deer Creek schools.

    Does anyone know how these books get chosen? Do the districts get to decide or do the pay publishers for a set amount of books and the publisher decides what to send?

    We have tried talking to the Deer Creek admins but no response yet.


  2. #2

    Default Re: How do metro schools pick library books?

    They read Huck Finn in kiddiegardens now?

  3. #3

    Default Re: How do metro schools pick library books?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    They read Huck Finn in kiddiegardens now?
    You beat me to it, kevin. That was my first thought also. That darn Mark Twain is still trying to corrupt our kids.

  4. Default Re: How do metro schools pick library books?

    Just wait until they start reading The Hobbit. All that witchcraft and stuff.

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