Re: Employer Social Media Policies
No written, formal policy, but we were told at one point not to have current students on our FB accounts. Co-workers are fine. I never vent about work on social media. In fact, I make sure to instead say all the GOOD things about my job and brag about it
I also never post pictures of me drinking, nor do I mention it, or anything about parties or going out. I also typically don't post much politically-charged or religious stuff, either. Just in case.
I have seen others complain, though. Some have done it several times. I shake my head at them.
I know some teachers make the rule to never friend graduated students on FB. I do, but only certain ones who I would like to keep in contact with, either to encourage them through their college years, for alumni matters, or to have them come back to visit the school for certain reasons.
Still corrupting young minds