Re: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!

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I think "hate" for queers is hypocritical. And you may call the whole gay marriage debate Christians shoving Christian ideals down athiest throats, but I call the whole gay marriage debate athiests shoving Athiest ideals down Christian throats. Both being equally as bad, though I would personally stay away from the athiest ideals.
So very true!!! but we all know, no offense Christains, that bible thumping Christians like to point the finger and then go to church and act like nothing happened.
Also, you guys might be making a big deal about the homosexual issue. I agree that alternative lifestyles is not something that should be shunned or to hide from as they are mostly positive active contributors to the fabric of Oklahoma City. In fact, the NW 39th GLBT District is more lively and has more urban attractions than Bricktown (if you exclude the arenas and ballpark).
I think the "fear" of homo has more to do with ignorance than it does anything moral or philosophical. Just like there used to be the same "fear" against Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, so on ... All based out of ignorance and ignorant people looking to make themselves feel better at the expense of someone else.
On the other hand, here in Seattle - a very liberal city with a large alternative population like OKC - we dont have homosexual books in the Children's section! And it didnt take a senator to make a law prohibiting it either - it was just common sense! All adult oriented material can not be found within the reach of children, its not a law here but it just makes sense.
Why is it that in Oklahoma civic leaders have to make conservative statements to scare fear into the populous (and ridicule the state nationally). Why couldnt there be a closed door meeting of the minds, to say "hey, we dont have any oral sex books within childrens reach so doesnt it make sense to keep the other adult material out of their reach??"
Isnt this a null issue?? Well, everywhere except Oklahoma where it was front page news!! Who cares about other's relations, you do what you do - judge not that ye be judged. for one thing, many creative class urbanites identify with the alternative crowd!! so if OKC is serious about attracting the creative class, then OKC needs to become more open minded about the diversity of people and their own beliefs.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!