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Thread: Good Lord

  1. #1

    Default Good Lord

    How ignorant can some people be...

    OKLAHOMA CITY —A 17-year-old Oklahoma City Public Schools student has been arrested after police said he threatened to blow up the school.

    Officers said the teen told cafeteria workers at U.S. Grant High School Wednesday morning that he was going to blow up the school because he was upset they were out of food.

    He was arrested on one complaint of threatening a violent act.

    Read more: Police: OKC teen threatened to blow up school - Oklahoma City - OKC - KOCO.com

  2. Default Re: Good Lord

    The kid should be grateful. The food probably would have made his stomach explode. :-P

    Stupid kid though. He has a hard lesson coming his way now for not thinking.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Good Lord

    Context is everything, which this article has none.

    Almost sounds like the kid was exaggerating, but we don't know the context or the history of said kid.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Good Lord

    Might have been corn dog day too

  5. #5

    Default Re: Good Lord

    This shouldn’t come as any great shock but OKC public schools have many kids arrested while at school. Some are for serious offenses. Kids are not taught consequences at an early age so many think they can get away with doing bad things.

    From the very top down OKC schools are poorly managed in many cases. The community and local news media are way behind on reporting what big mess OKC public schools are. They need to shine a light on this problem so the right people will be hired and so the healing can begin.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Good Lord

    On a scale of somewhat stupid to gol durn fool, this barely even scratches the baseline on the scale.

  7. Default Re: Good Lord

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    This shouldn’t come as any great shock but OKC public schools have many kids arrested while at school. Some are for serious offenses. Kids are not taught consequences at an early age so many think they can get away with doing bad things.

    From the very top down OKC schools are poorly managed in many cases. The community and local news media are way behind on reporting what big mess OKC public schools are. They need to shine a light on this problem so the right people will be hired and so the healing can begin.
    Perhaps you can share your experience and expertise to help them improve?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Good Lord

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Perhaps you can share your experience and expertise to help them improve?
    These days I would end up in prison if we used my methods. LOL

    But there are plenty of hard working people who have their efforts undermined by incompetent leadership that exists at all levels…. And problems start well above that… About all they do it seems is teach kids how to test. There needs to be a lot more community involvement from OKC business with all OKC schools.

    By the way I have helped some, but it’s not something that fits my abilities and training very well.
    If somebody sees this and gets involved or covers it in the media in some way maybe this is my way of helping?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Good Lord

    Throwing more money at the OKC schools would fix any and all ills.........or not.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Good Lord

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Throwing more money at the OKC schools would fix any and all ills.........or not.
    "More money . . . Yeah . . . That's the ticket . . ."

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