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Thread: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

  1. #1

    Default Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    Anyone watching this season of Survivor? I cannot believe how blatantly evil a couple of the players are. If you've watched the show I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. Wow.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    Incredibly mean spirited, and not even using the mean-ness to further themselves in the game. Just seem to be mean because they wanna be.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    I can't help but wonder if these folks in question - are actually showing their true self during this show. I've read where Colton is already back-tracking saying he isn't really like that and he was just saying those things to win the million. I'm thinking he and his co-player are actually that mean in real life. And I can't believe she teaches special ed students. If my child was in her class - they wouldn't be after seeing what she is like from Survivor. Mean. Just deep down mean.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    Not me. I've never watched any season of Survivor. I don't care for staged "reality" shows.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    Not a show I watch, but if it has folks being mean just to be mean ... somewhere there's a political campaign running kinder and gentler than originally planned.

  6. Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    Colton is "That" gay guy that I can't stand who can be the worst person in the world to people and can discriminate people (like he did the black guy) but if you try to come after him he tells you that you are narrow minded, ignorant, intolerant, ect. It doesn't work two ways with him. And I don't buy that he was acting that way just to get the million dollars. Hellloo did he not see Russel NOT win the million cause he was a terd?

    And when they were ganging up on that girl, how can the others just sit there and let them do that to her? I know there is a lot of editing going on but that is just inexcusable to treat someone like that. But then he gets sick and leaves her out to dry keeping the immunity idol and her tune quickly changed. Good riddance Colton.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    And when they were ganging up on that girl, how can the others just sit there and let them do that to her? I know there is a lot of editing going on but that is just inexcusable to treat someone like that.

    Excellent point!!! It a very interesting observation of human behavior this season - the worst possible human behavior!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    At least with Colton karma stepped in and did what his fellow tribemates wouldn't.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    I've never watched a single episode of Survivor.

  10. Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    Thanks for letting us know

  11. #11

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    I hope the other women see thru Alicia, now that they have merged. Christine needs to let them know Alicia played a big part in Monica's demise....Good ridance Colton - he will probably come back on a Villian/Hero re-match.....then I'd really have to be team Russell - LOL!!!!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    I've been a Survivor fan since season 1 - it's the only reality show I watch regularly.
    This particular season, I think, is made up of some of the most selfish, stupid and mean-spirited bunch ever.
    Voting Josh off is latest example of stupidity. He's been feeding them!
    It's like watching a train wreck - I can't stop now.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Watching Survivor 2012 Season?

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    And when they were ganging up on that girl, how can the others just sit there and let them do that to her? I know there is a lot of editing going on but that is just inexcusable to treat someone like that.
    When they wouldn't move over and even let her have room to sleep under the shelter, I told my wife, "I think I'd just let them go to sleep...dump out all their water and food...then set fire to the shelter with all of them in it. Hey...if you don't care about me, why should I care about you? What are you gonna do...vote me off? Pfffttt!"

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