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Thread: SE 44th Street Activity

  1. #1

    South OKC SE 44th Street Activity

    i saw construction work on the SE corner of high and SE 44th street today.
    from a glance i calculate 2000-3000 SQF footprint.
    the buy-for-less closed but got replaced by another super market
    with a really awful sign mounted over the old buy-for-less sign. there is another
    store just across the street called C-imports (don't know what it is) that just built a small
    addition adjacent to their main building which means they're probably doing okay.
    also noticed brand new sidewalks along 44th and transversal streets like shields and santa fe.
    i think on-cue hit a home run with its gas station on shields and 44 and i'm not sure if the
    7-11 across the street will be able to compete against it in the years ahead.

    finally, i couldn't help to notice and compare the car traffic and commercial activity along 44th street
    to that of SW 29th. the traffic is really heavy and there's even high levels of pedestrians and cyclists.
    the really bad thing i noticed with this street, and SW 29th also; is that the traffic is always made worse
    by train crossings, especially during peak hours. the city should DEFINITELY put in its agenda at least one
    overpass bridge or tunnel for either 44th or 29th street to deal with that annoying train track crossing,
    but traffic can be so bad at times that maybe they should do both.

  2. #2

    Default Re: SE 44th Street Activity

    The pad site on the corner of SE 44th and High appears to be new construction for Goodwill, totaling 16,000 sq ft MOL, according to the building permit (BLDC-2016-06721). It looks to be a combination store and donation center. Nothing exciting, but at least it will look nicer than what was there previously - plans call for the lower 10' or so to be brick, and the remainder is EIFS.

    Buy-For-Less did convert their Supermercado location there to a Smart Saver store back in September 2016; Smart Saver is B4L's take on the "Cost Plus 10%" grocery model. Pretty hit-and-miss (mostly miss) in my personal opinion.

    The addition to the C-store Imports building is listed as a 5,750 sq ft MOL warehouse addition with a loading dock.

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