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Thread: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    (New York) -- Two days after the death of a Georgia man who was shocked with a police Taser -- raising the known death toll from tasers to 500 in the United States -- Amnesty International today repeated its call for tighter limits on police use of the weapons.

    According to data collected by Amnesty International, at least 500 people in the United States have died since 2001 after being shocked with Tasers either during their arrest or while in jail. Amnesty International recorded the largest number of deaths following the use of Tasers in California (92), followed by Florida (65), and Texas (37). The Oklahoma City Police Department led all law enforcement agencies in deaths (7) following by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, Harris County Sheriff’s (Tx), Phoenix, Az and San Jose, Ca., all with six deaths.

    On Monday, Johnnie Kamahi Warren was the latest to die after a police officer in Dothan, Al. deployed a Taser on him at least twice. The 43-year-old, who was unarmed and allegedly intoxicated, reportedly stopped breathing shortly after being shocked and was pronounced dead in a hospital less than two hours later.

    "Of the hundreds who have died following police use of Tasers in the United States, dozens and possibly scores of deaths can be traced to unnecessary force being used," said Susan Lee, Americas program director at Amnesty International. "This is unacceptable, and stricter guidelines for their use are now imperative."

    Strict national guidelines on police use of Tasers and similar stun weapons – also known as Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) – would effectively replace thousands of individual policies now followed by state and local agencies.

    Police forces across the United States currently permit a wide use of the weapons, often in situations that do not warrant such a high level of force.

    Law enforcement agencies defend the use of Tasers, saying they save lives and can be used to subdue dangerous or uncooperative suspects. But Amnesty International believes the weapons should only be used as an alternative in situations where police would otherwise consider using firearms.

    In a 2008 report, USA: Stun weapons in law enforcement, Amnesty International examined data on hundreds of deaths following Taser use, including autopsy reports in 98 cases and studies on the safety of such devices.

    Among the cases reviewed, 90 percent of those who died were unarmed. Many of the victims were subjected to multiple shocks.

    Most of the deaths have been attributed to other causes. However, medical examiners have listed Tasers as a cause or contributing factor in more than 60 deaths, and in a number of other cases the exact cause of death is unknown.

    Some studies and medical experts have found that the risk of adverse effects from Taser shocks is higher in people who suffer from a heart condition or whose systems are compromised due to drug intoxication or after a struggle.

    "Even if deaths directly from Taser shocks are relatively rare, adverse effects can happen very quickly, without warning, and be impossible to reverse," said Lee. "Given this risk, such weapons should always be used with great caution, in situations where lesser alternatives are unavailable."

    There are continuing reports of police officers using multiple or prolonged shocks, despite warnings that such usage may increase the risk of adverse effects on the heart or respiratory system.

    Deaths in the past year include Allen Kephart, 43, who died in May after he was stopped by police for an alleged traffic violation in San Bernardino County, Ca. He died after three officers shocked him up to 16 times. The officers were later cleared of wrongdoing.

    Last November, Roger Anthony fell off his bicycle and died after a police officer in North Carolina shot him with a stun gun. The officer reportedly shocked Anthony – who had a disability and hearing problems – because he did not respond to an order to pull over.

    Neither man was armed when police shocked them.

    "What is most disturbing about the police use of Tasers is that the majority of those who later died were not a serious threat when they were shocked by police," said Lee.


    Rather strange, do OKCPD folks encourage tasers over other methods such as pepper spray?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    I might feel bad if the criminals followed police directions and they didn't have to threaten to use them in the first place...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    Quote Originally Posted by bretthexum View Post
    I might feel bad if the criminals followed police directions and they didn't have to threaten to use them in the first place...
    What about the guy with hearing problems that didn't follow directions? Not sure how verifiable this quote is, but what you're saying doesn't seem to always be the case. Seems like cops are kind of out of control in a lot of cases.

    "What is most disturbing about the police use of Tasers is that the majority of those who later died were not a serious threat when they were shocked by police," said Lee.

  4. Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    Quote Originally Posted by bretthexum View Post
    I might feel bad if the criminals followed police directions and they didn't have to threaten to use them in the first place...
    They never had a chance to be tried and convicted to call them all "criminals." Also, many of these incidents across the country are people, not just refusing to comply due to being high on illegal drugs or whatever, but many are in a panic state with disorders that are either biological in origin (Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar) or brought on by even legal prescription drugs that are passed out like candy without warning or patient knowledge they can cause mind altering delusions, panics, bouts of paranoia etc. The word "criminal" is painting all these victims with a very broad and probably inaccurate brush.

  5. Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    OCPD is phasing out the use of tasers according to Chief Citty.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Really? You're gonna bust me for saying the cops are out of control when there is plenty of verifiable evidence that this is the case? Or was there something else implied? Not exactly sure what your point is....

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    Not sure about OKC police phasing out use of tazers...On Monday Cheif Citty talked about getting more tazers out to the patrols. He also said that not one of the deaths had been ruled to have been caused by the tazers. In every case the person was high on drugs at the time. Tazers save lives and help protect the officer!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    My mistake. I took your statement to be a generalization of a larger scope. As if you were implying that it was common place. Certainly there have been incidents. But there are also hundreds of thousands of cops and contacts with "criminals" each day. The % that result in abuse are incredible low.

    I suppose my position would be that they are low enough that I am not sure it constitutes massive outcry or policy changes. I would prefer to just continue to fire those who are found guilty of violence toward a citizen.

    Full disclaimer: have family that have been in the police force. They are not the kind of guys who would tase anyone carelessly. So my philosophy on the subject is somewhat biased.
    Yeah, I probably wasn't completely clear either. Probably should've said "Cops seem to be out of control in a lot of taser incidents that have been publicly filmed or otherwise publicly reported on". This does seem to be a fairly small minority, but still a problem... As an aside, that would be completely weird to have family or friends that are cops, never been in that situation. :-)

  9. Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    Quote Originally Posted by swosuknight View Post
    Not sure about OKC police phasing out use of tazers...On Monday Cheif Citty talked about getting more tazers out to the patrols. He also said that not one of the deaths had been ruled to have been caused by the tazers. In every case the person was high on drugs at the time. Tazers save lives and help protect the officer!
    I heard he made that statement to the current Citizen Police Academy. Some clarification may be needed - I do recall they said he said "touch tasing" was being phased out.

    I personally love tasers. I carry one, my wife carries and I bought one for my mom.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I heard he made that statement to the current Citizen Police Academy. Some clarification may be needed - I do recall they said he said "touch tasing" was being phased out.

    I personally love tasers. I carry one, my wife carries and I bought one for my mom.
    I am in the class and I don't really remember him talking of phasing it out, but i could have missed something. He did talk about the strict guidelines on when they could deploy the phaser and how many times it could be used. He actually talked about the "touch tasing" not being as "powerful" as deploying the taser by shooting the spikes out.

  11. Default Re: Oklahoma City - The Taser Death Capital

    Maybe they are going to a prong tasing only now? That is what I use. If they are close enough to touch then that's too close for me.

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