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Thread: Cowboys and Aliens & Captain America

  1. Default Cowboys and Aliens & Captain America

    Cowboys and Aliens - I recieved a free pass to see this so I figured I might as well use it. My bar was set really low for this but surprisingly it wasn't that bad at all. I was expecting it to be hokey and real speilberg esque. But the acting was done really well and the story wasn't too bad either. there were a couple of plot holes and unanswered questions. Just like super 8 the weakest part of the movie is the alien element. but it's def worth a matinee. 7.5/10

    Captain America - I really didn't know the backstory to CA so I didn't know what I was getting into. Acting was good, especially Tommy Lee Jones. Story was kind of shaky but it didn't get too out of control. Felt like just a set up for the Avengers next year. Speaking of that stay after the credits to see the full avengers teaser trailer. I'd say this is a matinee/renter. 6.5/10

  2. #2

    Default Re: Cowboys and Aliens & Captain America

    From what i read, you are correct about the set up for the Avengers next year. I was surprised to read that the idea of Cowboys & Aliens had been filmed DECADES before. Can't recall the name/date of the movie or anything but it was fairly early in film history (much earlier than I would have suspected).

    I will probably go see C&A just for Harrison Ford. And will try to keep an open mind about mixing genres. While I still enjoyed the 4th Indiana Jones movie, the meshing of the various elements didn't seem to fit well together. Since Ford is older now, would be hard to have kept it set in the 40s & the Nazis, but still seemed a little jarring to seeing a Indiana Jones meets James Dean/American Graffiti/Bullwinkle's Natasha (Soviet Union)/Close Encounters all in one film. LOL

    On a side but related note, noticed an odd product tie-in for Captain AMERICA, it was on packaging for CANADA Dry!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Cowboys and Aliens & Captain America

    I guess that the vaguely punsteresque, semi-amusing, irony implicit in the title, "Cowboys and Aliens"--had the film been made from the standpoint of "Native Americans" (a.k.a. "Indians")--is that the Cowboys were The Aliens . . . And would have been fighting each other instead of picking off the Indigenous Inhabitants like Coke bottles.

    Sorry . . . I will just stick to "Little Big Man" and "Jeremiah Johnson" for my viewing pleasure in the future. =)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Cowboys and Aliens & Captain America

    C&A was very enjoyable. 9/10

  5. #5

    Default Re: Cowboys and Aliens & Captain America

    Quote Originally Posted by HewenttoJared View Post
    C&A was very enjoyable. 9/10
    We enjoyed C&A as well. I like that they played it straight; no self-satiric nodding and winking to the obvious anachronisms.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Cowboys and Aliens & Captain America

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Sorry . . . I will just stick to "Little Big Man" and "Jeremiah Johnson" for my viewing pleasure in the future. =)
    LBM, one of my favorite Westerns (along with The Outlaw Josey Wales and High Plains Drifter) of all time.

  7. Default Re: Cowboys and Aliens & Captain America

    We were guests of the Oklahoma Lottery and WWLS at a screening of Cowboys and Aliens tonight. We thought it was a very good movie. We saw Captain America last week. We liked both movies. So many people pick apart movies and don't just sit back and enjoy the moment.We enjoyed both movies, and thank the hosts for allowing us to be part of Movie Mondays.

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