Do any of you dream of and fantasize about taking revenge on someone who has royally screwed you over?
What are your best revenge plans? Nothing illegal or dangerous of course.
When you are so pissed off, doesn't it feel good to think about ways in getting someone back? I know, I'm a horrible person... but the thing is, I only dream of it, I won't do it.... I'm too much a chicken and I'm a nice person at heart.
I'll start.... Anonymous call to the IRS describing in detail all of the crappy ways these creeps try to prevent paying taxes year after year - oh yeah, that's a big one!
Never done it, but dreamed of the perpetrator's face over and over as they frantically try to find receipts. mileage logs and invoices and justify ripping off the government for years to a very pissed off IRS enforcer .... on a bad day, I can visualize the jerks being led away in handcuffs.... ahhh, if only ( wait a minute, maybe I'm not such a nice person at heart after all!)
nah, I have never made the call, only dreamed about it.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "