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Thread: Revenge

  1. Default Revenge

    Do any of you dream of and fantasize about taking revenge on someone who has royally screwed you over?

    What are your best revenge plans? Nothing illegal or dangerous of course.

    When you are so pissed off, doesn't it feel good to think about ways in getting someone back? I know, I'm a horrible person... but the thing is, I only dream of it, I won't do it.... I'm too much a chicken and I'm a nice person at heart.

    I'll start.... Anonymous call to the IRS describing in detail all of the crappy ways these creeps try to prevent paying taxes year after year - oh yeah, that's a big one!

    Never done it, but dreamed of the perpetrator's face over and over as they frantically try to find receipts. mileage logs and invoices and justify ripping off the government for years to a very pissed off IRS enforcer .... on a bad day, I can visualize the jerks being led away in handcuffs.... ahhh, if only ( wait a minute, maybe I'm not such a nice person at heart after all!)

    nah, I have never made the call, only dreamed about it.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #2

    Default Re: Revenge

    Karrie, the check is in the mail for the money I owe you , dont want any broken legs here.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Revenge

    Seriously, I think everyone thinks of things to do to get back at someone. I have, but you dont want to take the chance of it backfiring. I would however report someone that was cheating the system, whatever system that may be. I would not do anything illegal, why take the chance of me going to jail because someone pissed me off.

  4. Default Re: Revenge

    Ahhh...the sweet fantasies of revenge. Oh, how I have daydreamt of the opportunities to get back at the jerks who so royally deserve it!

    I actually think the fantasties are therapeutic and can be good. It's a way to release that anger and hurt without actually doing anything destructive. I would NEVER be able to follow through with anything because I know it would be wrong and I would have too much guilt. Heck, I can't even take an inkpen from work without feeling bad!

    But I will divulge one of my meanest fantasies: ripping out the wood flooring that I helped install in my ex-boyfriend's house.

  5. Default Re: Revenge

    I was terminated from a job of five years nearly two years ago. I job that until about six months before it happened, I enjoyed.

    A customer had made some false accusations about me, and the manager believed her over his own employee. So, he fired me.

    My parents were neighbors of his, and he had told my dad what happened. So, one day shortly thereafter, my dad called me over to see him. We went over to the managers house, where my dad confirmed he was being transfered.

    My dad then asked him how much he wanted for his house. The man told him. My dad whipped out his checkbook, wrote the man a check for the amount, and said "I'm buying your house. I want you out in 30 days. I don't appreciate what you did to my son." He gave us the strangest look. I then looked at him and said "I guess you didn't know who you were (blanking) with, did you." I then walked away. 30 days later, he still had not moved out. My dad gave me the eviction notice and let me serve it. He moved by force about a week later.

    What sweet revenge. By the way. We sold the house at a profit a couple of months after that. All we wanted was to get revenge.

    The CEO fired him shortly thereafter because my dad pulled every bit of his business out of their stores because of this guy. They lost so much in sales, the store showed a loss the next quarter. All he would have had to do was believe the truth and let me sell.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Revenge

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy

    But I will divulge one of my meanest fantasies: ripping out the wood flooring that I helped install in my ex-boyfriend's house.
    Damed old ex boyfriends , kidding.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Revenge

    Revenge is great to fantasize about, but I believe " what goes around, comes around" if someone truly did you wrong they will get it back, possibly worse, sooner or later.

  8. Default Re: Revenge

    Hopefully sooner :-)

    Realistically, I know if I ever did anything, the guilt would eat me alive and the other person would still be having an impact on my life.

    Better to move forward, learn and grow.... but it sure is fun to imagine.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. #9

    Default Re: Revenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    Hopefully sooner :-)

    Realistically, I know if I ever did anything, the guilt would eat me alive and the other person would still be having an impact on my life.

    Better to move forward, learn and grow.... but it sure is fun to imagine.
    Exactly. Why waste my time looking for revenge when I can put that effort into making my life better.

  10. Default Re: Revenge

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    Exactly. Why waste my time looking for revenge when I can put that effort into making my life better.
    Because it feels good. Plus, you should have seen the look on my managers face when he found out who my family was... Then when he was evicted.

  11. Default Re: Revenge

    I guess in some instances it could be beneficial. It could make a person think twice before they engage in the same act again. That way possibly nobody else gets hurt by their tactics again. But who knows?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Revenge

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Because it feels good. Plus, you should have seen the look on my managers face when he found out who my family was... Then when he was evicted.
    Ok, Dammit, now I have to kinda agree, MAYBE sometimes, ok. I guess I would put it this way, if someone hurt me bad enough on purpose, then I would think of a way to learn them not to mess with me again.

    Basically, if you dont hurt me, I wont hurt you kinda thing.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Revenge

    How about the co-workers who seldom do any work, then act like you OWE them for doing their job? Just to be in the room when they're fired?

  14. Default Re: Revenge

    I want to make the call to have a ex friends nice durango repoed cause he is hiding it and he is a ex friend casue he screwed my wife and wrecked my life. There are other things for revenge against him mostly very violent I won't speak of them one could only imagine what I have thought of. I do however think everyday of stuff to do to him to make him suffer otherwise without the physical harm to him or have me in big nasty trouble.

  15. #15
    kschopfer Guest

    Default Re: Revenge

    You've heard of getting screwed over by a ex- wife.
    Ex husbands can be as coniving and cruel, (bullying) and getting everything in the divorce, cept the clothes on my back. He still to this day is so guilt ridden over it he has servialence cameras posted everywhere at the former home, he's been worried someone is going to break in. Like a woman is a threat to him.

    All the worldly possessions in the world are not as important as our children, piece of minds, and the future and what we make of it.
    Guess someday the realization for him will be the best payback, don't you think?

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