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Thread: Name that breed

  1. Default Name that breed

    I have created a thread specifically for nameing the breeds of dogs and cats.

    The first two were too easy. Name this one.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	dog, week 1.jpg 
Views:	525 
Size:	10.5 KB 
ID:	24  

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Name that breed

    Hey guys, any guesses? mranderson and I already know. We want you to guess! Put some thought into it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Name that breed

    Only premium members can access that info.

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Name that breed

    Okay, thanks Midtowner...I forgot that free users can't read attachments.

  5. Default Re: Name that breed

    I believe that would be a Norfolk Terrier..... what do I win??

  6. Default Re: Name that breed

    OK, Kelley. I should have known. Yes. You guessed it. I will have to think about the prize.

  7. #7
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Name that breed

    For those who couldn't see the pic, here is what you missed:

    We'll try to get the pic posted in a different format next week, for all to see!

  8. Default Re: Name that breed

    Name this breed.

    Here are the rules. Please follow them. Please try to guess without research. A lot of us have researched then answered, me included.

    I will not reveal the winner until several people have had a chance to answer.

    Last edited by Patrick; 03-21-2005 at 01:00 PM.

  9. Default Re: Name that breed

    Here are the rules. We have all researched and even tried shortcuts. If you have a guess, please try not to use a shortcut. I will not reveal the name of the breed until several people have had chances to guess.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Name that breed


  11. Default Re: Name that breed


  12. Default Re: Name that breed

    Looks like a german shepard mix. Or could be full blood german shepard.

  13. Default Re: Name that breed

    It is a Mexican Hairless.

    Now. Here is this weeks breed.

    Last edited by Patrick; 03-24-2005 at 10:06 PM.

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