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Thread: ATTENTION: Rules for Pet Forum

  1. Default ATTENTION: Rules for Pet Forum

    As the moderator for this forum, I will set some guidelines, but they are mostly reasonable, obvious rules like no dissing or things of that nature.

    As long as it is pet related, I will look at it and if I feel strongly it is too much, I may first get advise from the other moderators or Kellekokid (or both), depending on severety, then, if neccessary advise the thread poster and take action that will probably be nothing more than editing or deletion.

    Have fun with this area. The topics can be anything from a whisical question like favorite pet to euthanasia. Nothing about your pets sexual orientation or religious affiliation. Maybe their political affiliation will be ok.

  2. Default Re: ATTENTION: Rules for Pet Forum

    Here is another guidline.

    Any thread that is a guess thread that is animal related, will be allowed unless it is over the top. I will use reasonable judgement as to what that means, and if it is not allowed, I will notify you as to why and with recomendations to make it acceptable, if it can be.

    When we post something of this nature, research is allowed, however, cheating is not. Looking at the picture properties to obtain your guess is not fair to others and discourages others from guessing. It will not be allowed. It will be addressed with other moderators and appropriate action will be taken. It could be anything from a pm request to stop, or more.

    These guess threads are designed to have fun and be educational. Not to show up others. I am sorry to be so blunt, however, I feel very strongly on this. So, be fair to others. Please.

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