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Thread: Action center

  1. #1

    Default Action center

    This is my first ever post here, but long time viewer.

    I was wondering if anyone here uses action center to report issues to the city? I downloaded the app and it shows the last reports being from 6 years ago. I was wondering if that’s correct or just a glitch?

    I tried to report the air pumps not working at the city bike stations set up around downtown. They inspected it and said it was working.. I lugged my bike to two of them and neither worked.

    I also had a negative experience when I called and tried to report a homeless individual digging through my gated apartments dumpster and requested assistance from the homeless outreach team. They told me to call the cops because HOT is only to break up homeless camps.

    What is everyone else’s experience with reporting to action center?

  2. Default Re: Action center

    I normally email them, my reports are mostly bulbs out on traffic signals, or signs damaged and have no issues. I receive an email when they log it, and then when it's corrected. Granted, those are pretty easy requests and I've never had an issue. I've found it helps to be specific, add a pic if you can, and just re-report your issue again if not corrected.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Action center

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCbyTRANSFER View Post
    I normally email them, my reports are mostly bulbs out on traffic signals, or signs damaged and have no issues. I receive an email when they log it, and then when it's corrected. Granted, those are pretty easy requests and I've never had an issue. I've found it helps to be specific, add a pic if you can, and just re-report your issue again if not corrected.
    Apparently, you've had much better luck getting a response than I have. I've reported lots and lots of streetlights (not traffic lights) which haven't worked in two years. In my drive to work early this morning - those two year reported lights remain dark.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Action center

    They are good about some things, like reporting abandoned vehicles, high weeds, and graffiti.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Action center

    They are also very responsive to potholes. I've used this system for years, I live in what many would call a remote part of the city, and even still they come out within a couple of days. From my understanding, these messages get sent to their respective departments and then the departments handle the ticket. My guess is some departments, like street maintenance, tend to do some of the better jobs with this.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Action center

    I've used the Action Center online and I will say that the city does a pretty good job at correcting issues. The one issue that I have is the over-the-top Rick Warren Court Clerk sign on I-35. I believe it is a subliminal election sign but the city says it is legal.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Action center

    I report road issues all the time with the app and they are pretty responsive.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Action center

    Quote Originally Posted by Brett View Post
    I've used the Action Center online and I will say that the city does a pretty good job at correcting issues. The one issue that I have is the over-the-top Rick Warren Court Clerk sign on I-35. I believe it is a subliminal election sign but the city says it is legal.
    Seriously though. The oversized election sign left forever is very tacky. That around is looking pretty rough as it is. Lots of old run down older hotels

  9. #9

    Default Re: Action center

    The App works sometimes. (I had a long term issue where uninstalling / reinstalling did not fix it. I had to install > clear cache > clear storage > uninstall > reinstall to get it to work).

    They have been really responsive to reports Ive sent. Potholes filled within 2 days usually and the streetlight I reported took maybe 3 days.

    I think potholes are quickly fixed because when they have notice, the clock starts ticking. If they don't get it repaired within some timeframe, I think the person that reported it, if they then get injured / damaged, can file a claim against the city.

  10. Default Re: Action center

    I have found them to be pretty responsive, but in the last year I feel the response time and quality has gone down a bit. Reporting anything related to the homeless seems to be the hardest to get a response for, I imagine because it is dealing with human beings and is a bit trickier. I feel as though when I report things related to this problem, the report gets passed around more (because I see the evidence in the responses they send me--forwarding, etc.) and I feel like it gets dropped. I have hopes that the city's new program to handle that particular problem will result in better responses in the years to come as that program ramps up. Also, sometimes I feel as though the buck gets passed around a lot when you are dealing with reporting problems where state and city property lines are unclear. For instance, I seem to get a lot of "well, that's state property" from the city and "well that's city property" from the state when I make requests in and around the Belle Isle Bridge complex. NW Expwy is state highway, so at times when I have reported potholes under the overpass at Belle Isle Blvd., the city will pass me off to the State (whom I have to email) but sometimes the State has come back and said contact the City! So it can be frustrating at times. I usually start with a request to the city via the Action Center website and then see where they direct me. Speaking of, I need to contact them about this same area. Has anyone else noticed the huge uptick in homeless activity under the Belle Isle bridge this year?! It is getting pretty bad and quite ugly under there--lots more graffiti and lots more junk and trash, shopping carts, etc. I really am trying to stay on the city about that area so it doesn't get out of control.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Action center

    Quote Originally Posted by Celebrator View Post
    ...NW Expwy is state highway...
    Only as far east as SH 74. Beyond that it's a city street. It used to be SH-3A until around 2009 until it was decommissioned and handed back to the city.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Action center

    I used it in the past when I lived on 16th Street and reported stuff on the daily. Mostly, it seemed they contacted the problem properties and something got done.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Action center

    It has been a few years since I last used the Action Center, but I got very good responses when reporting street light outages. It may be that someone else reported them before I did, but maybe there is strength in numbers? I decided I didn't want to be the person complaining if I don't at least try to fix the problem.

  14. Default Re: Action center

    Quote Originally Posted by jompster View Post
    Only as far east as SH 74. Beyond that it's a city street. It used to be SH-3A until around 2009 until it was decommissioned and handed back to the city.
    Good to know, thanks!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Action center

    I wonder if it would be a good idea to reach out to the Homeless Alliance and let them know about this area. I know they have an outreach team that goes out and helps house these individuals or at least link them with resources.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Action center

    Quote Originally Posted by Watermelonsugar View Post
    This is my first ever post here, but long time viewer.

    I was wondering if anyone here uses action center to report issues to the city? I downloaded the app and it shows the last reports being from 6 years ago. I was wondering if that’s correct or just a glitch?

    I tried to report the air pumps not working at the city bike stations set up around downtown. They inspected it and said it was working.. I lugged my bike to two of them and neither worked.

    I also had a negative experience when I called and tried to report a homeless individual digging through my gated apartments dumpster and requested assistance from the homeless outreach team. They told me to call the cops because HOT is only to break up homeless camps.

    What is everyone else’s experience with reporting to action center?

    We have city bike stations? Googling now.

  17. #17

  18. #18

    Default Re: Action center

    Not sure about the ones by The Edge and Harvey Bakery, but the other three in Deep Deuce and Bricktown all had broken pumps last time I checked them out. Just have to carry a small hand/foot pump.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Action center

    The Action Center app no longer works, nor does the website.

    You can still submit an issue through a webpage but it more or less goes into the ether. I've tried using it a couple of times and have yet to receive updates.

    No idea why they made this change but the whole process now seems to be broken, or at the very least, takes much, much longer for anything to happen.


  20. #20

    Default Re: Action center

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    The Action Center app no longer works, nor does the website.

    You can still submit an issue through a webpage but it more or less goes into the ether. I've tried using it a couple of times and have yet to receive updates.

    No idea why they made this change but the whole process now seems to be broken, or at the very least, takes much, much longer for anything to happen.

    Seems like they dumped OKC Connect without having a replacement in place? That's what the website is saying now anyways.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Action center

    I just call my local city councilman's office. They have people on staff who know how to communicate with whomever.

    It's always worked well for me.

  22. Default Re: Action center

    Pete, Since the site went down, I have been successfully using this email action.center@okc.gov with follow-ups coming from the city just as they did when using the site.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Action center

    The reporting from the mobile app is still removed and there doesn't seem any plan to replace it.

    If you report through the rudimentary website, you get an automated response then nothing. I reported graffiti three months ago and no work has been done and no update provided. I did just email the action.center@okc.gov account.

    The request I made before this took over 9 months to be resolved, with no updates until finished.

    This is a really big deal because as we all know, the City does not proactively address any graffiti, trash, or hundreds of various codes. They also do almost no street sweeping and merely run a tractor over weeds and trash on public property once a month during the summer.

    Their policy is just to wait for someone to complain. Well, even that process seems to be broken. I walk 3-4 miles every day and I should document the literally hundreds of issues I encounter every time. Our City is beyond poorly maintained which you only really notice if you get out of your car.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Action center

    It took an entire thread here on OKCTalk and annoying them on twitter for months (years?) to get streetlights repaired downtown. The crazy part is the repairs happened extremely quickly once they started. Like maybe 1 day of work per section.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Action center

    Large swaths of the city look run down and are full of trash. God, so much trash everywhere. This is a profoundly ugly city. MAPS 5 needs a billion dollars set aside for beautification and maintenance alone.

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