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Thread: New Years Eve/Day conflict: Flaming Lips / OKC Barons

  1. #1

    Default New Years Eve/Day conflict: Flaming Lips / OKC Barons

    It looks like a Barons ice hockey game scheduled for New Years Day is holding up the anouncement for the annual Flaming Lips New Years Eve Freakout. Anyone here know the truth to this?

    Would the Cox Center people really turn down an annual draw for people across the nation? Especially when a majority of the causual hockey fans who would attend will be strapped to their la-z-boys that day watching bowl games.

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Years Eve/Day conflict: Flaming Lips / OKC Barons

    Why can't they have a concert on New Year's Eve and a hockey game the next day? Most venues have staff working around the clock to set up/take down from one event to the next.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Years Eve/Day conflict: Flaming Lips / OKC Barons

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    Why can't they have a concert on New Year's Eve and a hockey game the next day? Most venues have staff working around the clock to set up/take down from one event to the next.
    AFAIK, it would be a mere matter of removing a temporary floor that is laid over the ice, and erecting dashers.

    I understand that in early-1970s Madison Square Garden, each Rangers game was played on a new sheet of ice, only 5/8" thick, that took eight hours to lay down each night. It was broken up shortly after the final horn. Such a thing doesn't go these days, to my knowledge.

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