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Thread: **movies that suck!!!!!**

  1. #1

    Default **movies that suck!!!!!**

    ive began to notice that in recent years that theres been a lot of films being made that are excessively hyped up and fail miserably when released.

    case in point, ive seen many trailers for various different films directed by M. Night Shyamalan. In just about every trailer for all his movies when his name is said in the trailer, its emphasized with such vocal importance,..like he is Moses speaking to God on Mount Sinai...."FROM DIRECTOR...M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN!!!!"

    I finally began watching a few of his films..and boy do they suck.

    Ive looked him up online as well, and it seems he has released flop after flop. Hopefully this mean studios will greenlight less and less of his films.

    This is just one example of a string of dismal films being made that never should be.

    what are some bad films you have watched and can warn others about?

  2. #2

    Default Re: **movies that suck!!!!!**

    Part of that may be getting older and more particular about what appeals to you.

    But movies are big business and I think the marketing firms have gotten more savvy on how to promote the ones that are dogs.

  3. Default Re: **movies that suck!!!!!**

    Inglorious Basterds. (yes I know it was released 3 or 4 months ago but it is fixing to come out on video if it hasn't already.

    The coming attractions make it look like Kill Bill Volume 1 with not stop Nazi killing action but what you get is Kill Bill Volume 2 non stop boring dialog.

    As for Shymalan, I think I read where he is directing something he did not write for a change, perhaps that would be better fare.

    But as I have said before, you want movies that don't suck? Quit going to the ones that do.

  4. #4

    Default Re: **movies that suck!!!!!**

    Quote Originally Posted by so1rfan View Post
    Inglorious Basterds. (yes I know it was released 3 or 4 months ago but it is fixing to come out on video if it hasn't already.

    The coming attractions make it look like Kill Bill Volume 1 with not stop Nazi killing action but what you get is Kill Bill Volume 2 non stop boring dialog.

    As for Shymalan, I think I read where he is directing something he did not write for a change, perhaps that would be better fare.

    But as I have said before, you want movies that don't suck? Quit going to the ones that do.
    Okay, first off... I am a fan of QT films... but I didn't like Kill Bill and didn't try any of the subsequent Kill Bill movies... in my opinion Kill Bill missed too much of the signature long-shot dialogue scenes that I think make his movies great. IB was fantastic with this very thing. I loved it. The bar scene had me glued to the screen. But QT's style isn't for everyone and I would contend that the Kill Bill series (at least what I saw of it) was a bit of a departure in the core of his style, so if you only like those then it makes sense to me that you wouldn't like IB, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, etc....

    and as for m. knight shamalongadingdong... his movie career is in a complete downward slope. He started at the top with 6th Sense and it's gone downhill ever since.... don't really expect it to reverse course either, but I could be wrong....

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