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Thread: Want to start on changing the law?

  1. #1

    Default Want to start on changing the law?

    I really believe that Oklahoma is so limited by the alcohol laws in effect. I want to learn how to go about getting the law changed. I know the conservative suits at the capital would likely stop any change, but maybe it is finally time to get rid of them. Can someone educate me and help me get the ball rolling on this?

  2. Default Re: Want to start on changing the law?

    Quote Originally Posted by froggiluv View Post
    I really believe that Oklahoma is so limited by the alcohol laws in effect. I want to learn how to go about getting the law changed. I know the conservative suits at the capital would likely stop any change, but maybe it is finally time to get rid of them. Can someone educate me and help me get the ball rolling on this?
    Take it from someone with experience on this. It is not the conservative suits stopping this, it is the liquor wholesale lobby.

    Be aware that the Oklahoma Wine & Grape Growers Association and the Oklahoma Grocers Association as well as Oklahomans for Modern Laws is pushing to get the law changed. Be on the lookout next year for a bill that will be put to the vote of the people if passed. I would start with writing your local representative to express what you want to see changed. Get in touch with the Oklahoma Wine & Grape Growers Association and voice your support. Ask what you can do to lend a hand.

    I can honestly say that the antiquated laws' days are numbered. It is also rumored that beer manufacturers are contemplating ending production to 3.2 beer because of the shrinking market, as it is sold only in 5 states, all with populations of 6 million or less.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Want to start on changing the law?

    There was a petition a couple of years ago being circulated, but it never got enough signatures to be effective. I'm not sure why, because I've yet to talk to anyone who doesn't think our laws are antiquated and holding us back. I don't know any liquor store owners or wholesalers, however.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Want to start on changing the law?

    are there any other laws than the 3.2% law out there that people would want to be overturned? maybe the liquor store only laws?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Want to start on changing the law?

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerfan_in_okc View Post
    are there any other laws than the 3.2% law out there that people would want to be overturned? maybe the liquor store only laws?
    The cold 3.2% only law, and the limitation that grocery stores cannot sell "high point" beer and wine are the two in my book that really need to be addressed. Not so worried about spirits being only sold in liquor stores.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Want to start on changing the law?

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    Take it from someone with experience on this. It is not the conservative suits stopping this, it is the liquor wholesale lobby.

    Be aware that the Oklahoma Wine & Grape Growers Association and the Oklahoma Grocers Association as well as Oklahomans for Modern Laws is pushing to get the law changed. Be on the lookout next year for a bill that will be put to the vote of the people if passed. I would start with writing your local representative to express what you want to see changed. Get in touch with the Oklahoma Wine & Grape Growers Association and voice your support. Ask what you can do to lend a hand.

    I can honestly say that the antiquated laws' days are numbered. It is also rumored that beer manufacturers are contemplating ending production to 3.2 beer because of the shrinking market, as it is sold only in 5 states, all with populations of 6 million or less.
    Bingo! This is exactly right. Many of those "conservative suits" I know personally are for changing the laws, but OKCPulse nailed it: the liquor wholesale lobby launches a massive lobbying effort any time there's even a whisper of changing the laws. That's the biggest impediment. The wholesalers are also trying to stop a vote of the people on this, which will hopefully fail.

  7. #7
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: Want to start on changing the law?

    The reason that there is no strong point major domestic beer in Oklahoma is because they're not allowed to have a monopoly on their products here. There are no laws prohibiting them from selling it here. It's their choice not to...
    Last edited by SouthsideSooner; 11-19-2009 at 04:58 PM. Reason: sp

  8. #8

    Default Re: Want to start on changing the law?

    The liquor lobby is whats keeping it... Wine/high point beer is soo much cheaper elsewhere... Bought a 1.5 liter of wine in Dallas a coupla weeks ago, bought the same exact wine in OKC (750 ML) and the wine in Dallas was cheaper... That really pissed me off...

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