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Thread: ACOG presentation on 10-6-09

  1. #1

    Default ACOG presentation on 10-6-09

    Did anyone here attend the presentation about transportation for the future made by ACOG at the OKC Community Foundation on Tuesday?

    We went and found it to be informative, well-organized, and useful in information.

    Was just wondering if anyone else here attended and what you thought of it?

  2. #2

    Default Re: ACOG presentation on 10-6-09

    I made it up there about 4:30 pm and there was a pretty good crowd. From what I understand this is ACOG's kick-off for their Encompass 2035 Transportation Plan. They had a ton of information about transit, trails, socio-economics, carpooling, etc. They also had a section about the Regional Transit Dialogue. There is a website with some information about it. Overall, it was very well presented and interactive. I snapped a few photos while I was there:

  3. #3

    Default Re: ACOG presentation on 10-6-09

    I went, too. It was good. Very refreshing way to engage with the public and elicit comments and interaction. Much better than ODOT's standard fare of speech from a bureaucrat and a comment box.

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