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Thread: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

  1. #1

    Default Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    Don't know the whole story here, but somehow I get the feeling these cops were out of line. Semms like an awful lot of folks are getting tasered these days.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    It's better than getting shot.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    Jeez, Bunt, that sounds a bit flip for you.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    There's not enough information here (and likely won't be) to figure things out. At least an illegal immigrant was rounded up though.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    Here is the article as published in the local paper:

    Link: Family: Police used excessive force at baptism party | InsideNova.com

    Published: July 29, 2009

    A Manassas area family claims a language barrier led to a grandfather and mother being zapped by officers with stun guns this weekend, but Prince William County police say that’s not the case.

    Police were called to a home on Lafayette Avenue about 8 p.m. Sunday for a report of a noisy party. Delmy Ramos, who lives at the house with her children and husband, Edgar Rodriguez, said family members were celebrating the baptisms of two toddlers.

    According to police, Rodriguez became aggressive and refused to turn the music down, even after officers explained the county’s noise ordinance.

    When Rodriguez refused to identify himself to police, he was placed under arrest, Prince William police spokeswoman Erika Hernandez stated in a press release.

    But then, Hernandez said, a large group of people at the party approached the two arresting officers, prompting them to call for backup.

    Part of that group was a woman who the family described as a friend. Officers used their Taser weapons on both Rodriguez and the woman, and placed them under arrest, Hernandez said.

    Rodriguez was charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest, she said. The woman, 25-year-old Leticia Elias, was charged with assault and battery on a law enforcement officer, obstruction of justice and resisting arrest.

    The family told Fox 5 News that Elias is a pregnant mother of two. But Prince William police 1st Sgt. Kim Chinn said “there is no evidence she is pregnant.”

    Rodriguez’s son told Fox 5 that his father requested an officer who spoke Spanish, because he did not understand the first officer’s instructions. Chinn said the first arriving officer on the scene was Hispanic and spoke fluent Spanish.

    “There was no language barrier,” she said.

    Late Wednesday afternoon Prince William police Chief Charlie T. Deane ordered an internal investigation into the use of force at the home, and into the allegations Rodriguez and his family have made to the media.

    After interviewing witnesses, Chinn said “information obtained during the internal investigation disputes some of the claims made by Mr. Rodriguez to the media.”

    Police say the family has not made a complaint to the police department.

    Rodriquez was released on a $2,500 bond. Elias is still being held on a $5,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court Aug. 28.

    Ramos claimed Elias is still being detained because officials are looking into her immigration status.

    Hernandez said police did not check Elias’ immigration status when she was arrested, but she declined to say if it was being reviewed, citing an ongoing investigation.

    The steps in front of Rodriguez’s home, where Ramos was watching four children on Wednesday afternoon were lined with American flags and a banner hung on the door stated “God bless America.”

    “I was cutting the cake and someone came up to me and said ‘Someone has your husband,’ ” said Ramos.

    She said she was surprised to see the police officers, and even more surprised when she saw them going for her husband. She claims he was jolted with a stun gun three times — twice in the back near the ribcage and once on his chest — before the officers put handcuffs on him, she said.

    A video camera was rolling during the arrests. Some of the footage was used in the Fox 5 story earlier this week.

    One family member told the television station an officer told him to stop recording the arrest and forced him to leave the property.

    Questions have arisen about the legality of the police charging someone with being drunk in public in their own backyard. Hernandez said that a backyard is considered a public area. Only the interior of a person’s home is considered private.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    There's not enough information here (and likely won't be) to figure things out. At least an illegal immigrant was rounded up though.
    That was quite the racist comment midtowner, especially from someone who invokes the "R" word in other threads. On the one hand you say "not enough information" but then go on to assume the lady was actually an illegal hispanic immigrant. Hmmmmm...what are they teaching law students these days?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    Manassas has a ton of illegals although you can't know for sure. I work there and more than half of the Hispanic families I work with - well over half - aren't legal. Well, the younger kids tend to be but the older kids and parents are frequently illegal.

    And hispanic is not a race. It is an ethnicity.

    I think Mid might have been being sarcastic.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by hvac instructor
    that was quite the racist comment...
    the video you linked to states that ice has this woman in custody. are you actually saying that its racist to assume that immigration and customs enforcement detains people who are believed to be illegal immigrants? what are they teaching heating & air instructors these days?


  9. #9

    Default Re: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post

    And hispanic is not a race. It is an ethnicity.

    I think Mid might have been being sarcastic.
    Ya reckon? LOL. MT deserved a poke for bantying about the "R" word. Hispanic, latino, whatever, doesn't matter, it was still the pot calling the kettle black. Most people who fling the "R" word to and fro have never even looked up the definition.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Cops Tase Pregnant Mother & Grandpa At Kids Baptism Party In Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    the video you linked to states that ice has this woman in custody. are you actually saying that its racist to assume that immigration and customs enforcement detains people who are believed to be illegal immigrants? what are they teaching heating & air instructors these days?

    I'm throwing the "R" word back at MT because of posts he made in another thread.

    And HVAC instructors teach HVAC to all races and ethnicities equally.

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