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Thread: Moden Materials: Art of the Quilt (not what you think)

  1. #1

    Default Moden Materials: Art of the Quilt (not what you think)

    This exhibit has been in place at the Untitled Artspace since July. I would never have dreamed of going until someone went and showed me an artist booklet of what it is.

    These quilts are made out of anything from 3mm film, microfilm, bronze, travelers checks, and just amazing timeless stitching. Some are 3D, some have motion, some probably took years to put together, but all are amazing.

    Even if you don't like quilts, go see this exhibit while it's on display. It's only there through August 29th. It's free. All ages appropriate.

    Untitled [ArtSpace]:: Home

    [Artspace] at Untitled to exhibit Modern Materials: The Art of the Quilt

  2. #2

    Default Re: Moden Materials: Art of the Quilt (not what you think)

    DANG!! I wish I could go see that. I quilt and am wanting to branch into art quilts. I think they are wonderful.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Moden Materials: Art of the Quilt (not what you think)

    It's a traveling exhibit! Check here or contact them to see if it will be coming your way. It's very cool. If you quilt then I'm sure you would love it even more!

    Jill Rumoshosky Werner - Artist

  4. #4

    Default Re: Moden Materials: Art of the Quilt (not what you think)

    Thanks. Looks like I am going to miss it but I would have enjoyed seeing it.

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