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Thread: Blog

  1. #1
    Todd Guest

    Default Blog

    I've been working on a solution to offer members free blog sites. I'm curious how many of you would be interested in such a feature.

  2. Default Re: Blog

    Might not be a bad idea for things like the walk of fame.

    I am not really up on everything a "blog"is. however.

  3. #3
    ClipedWingAngel Guest

    Default Re: Blog

    BLOG, BLOG, blog, Lucy you got some splaining to do! I'm not very familiar with blogs. Definition anyone?

  4. #4
    Floating_adrift Guest

    Default Re: Blog

    It's an online diary that is available for the world to read!

  5. #5
    ClipedWingAngel Guest

    Default Re: Blog

    Diary as in Journal: a daily record of personal activities, reflections, or feelings
    Hmmm gems to share? I have a few. OK I will share! BLOG ME IN!

  6. #6
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Blog

    For an example of a blog, view a couple of great ones from members on this forum:

    Luke's Blog: theoklahoman.blogspot.com

    downtownguy's blog: downtownguy.blogspot.com

    Anyways, a blog is a daily journal relating to a topic of a person's choosing. Luke's blog focuses more on local city issues and his personal experiences with those issues. downtownguy's blog deals with downtown OKC and Tulsa and provides cutting edge info. on things relating to downtown, downtown development, etc.

    For a more exact definition of blog...from dictionary.com:

    "Main Entry: blog
    Function: noun
    Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log
    Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.
    Etymology: shortened form of Weblog
    Usage: blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n"

  7. #7
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Blog

    I think that would be a good idea. Im up for it.

  8. #8
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Blog

    Hmmmm....I guess our very own okcpulse has started a blog now as well...you can check it out at www.okcpulse.blogspot.com.

  9. Default Re: Blog

    Will the blog linked to this site? Well, if it will be, I will defenitely use it.
    Why not? It will bringmore fun to us.

    Go Blog !!

    By the way, how are you making the blog? What kind of languages and stuff are you using for that?

  10. Default Re: Blog

    Been there, got one. Some people even actually read it, I'm given to understand.

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