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Thread: My Relationships are just not working out..

  1. #1

    Unhappy My Relationships are just not working out..

    A guy and i that were dating recently just broke up. About a week ago i went with some friends on a limo, my bf at the time had plans to go out for his brothers birthday. My ex boyfriend now always claims his phone is broken, dies, or he just didnt get my call. He is a really good guy rasied in a church family, and i have know him since high school. I alway had this growing feeling that he was cheating on me with a ex girlfriend that he dated for five years. Well last saturday i go on the limo with somefriends. I kept blowing this really good looking guy off and telling him i had a boyfriend. Then i called my ex now many times finally said f it (half drunk) and kissed the guy. I felt bad and knew some pictures were going to be on myspaceof me kissing this guy.Sooo.. I told him about it. He wont forgive me and says he wont date a girl he cant trust he has already been down that path. We havent dated but a few weeks and it was just a kiss.. and i told him. i never tried to hide it. Do you think i should be forgiven?
    Last edited by Karried; 12-03-2008 at 05:31 PM.

  2. Default Re: My Relationships are just not working out..

    WOW........ and to answer your question. NO

  3. Default Re: My Relationships are just not working out..


  4. #4

    Default Re: My Relationships are just not working out..

    NO. Candidly, I think you need to grow up. This guy is smart to call a halt to it. The fact that you said you knew he'd find out so you told him, yourself, screams that this guy is on to the fact that you aren't trustworthy. Getting drunk and kissing some guy when you think you shouldn't (and talking about how you think your bf is cheating on you) just makes me scratch my head. What are you thinking????? I get the feeling that you don't even see how any of this is a big deal. Let me tell you - healthy people don't act like this. "just a kiss?" At what point do you consider something problematic? I've been married for many years and if I told my husband something was "just a kiss," I could probably count on packing my bags - even after all these years. It is called boundaries, darling. You don't cross them and you don't make light of them.

  5. #5

    Default Re: My Relationships are just not working out..

    How old are you? You're in your late teens/early 20's?

    Unless you are unattractive, this shouldn't be a major issue. Plenty of fish in the sea... and if what you want to do is hook up with randoms, then you shouldn't be in a committed relationship.

    You don't get both.

  6. #6

    Default Re: My Relationships are just not working out..

    WOW I cannot believe you did not see that he was seeking an opportunity to bail out of the relationship. The cell phone issue should have set off a loud alarm. You made the mistake of not ending it before the night of the kiss.

    Anyone with half a brain would have addressed the cell phone issue from the get go. They would have visited their carrier's store, had the phone repaired, replaced it. That right there should tell you he was screwing around on you.

    Now he walks away looking like the good guy when all along he had plans to dump you or hoped you would dump him saving him the drama.

    So what its over. Move on. Go party and enjoy your life. Sooner or later you will meet someone that means just as much if not more. If you do find another relationship with someone else remember how much a kiss cost you.

    If you live life like an adult you will find is less complicated.

  7. #7

    Default Re: My Relationships are just not working out..

    Does this story even make sense? Did you break up with the ex, get a new bf, and then kiss yet a third guy? I can't tell by the way you wrote this. Either way, if you were my girl and you drunk-kissed some random guy at a party, I'd kick your ass to the curb.

  8. #8

    Default Re: My Relationships are just not working out..

    I think maybe you were drinking when you posted this.

    OK. First - if you were only dating this guy for 3 weeks:
    1. You should be allowed to kiss whomever you like, as should he because that's called dating.
    2. He shouldn't have been a boyfriend after only 3 weeks of dating. Take time to get to know one another before jumping into a relationship.

    Second - if he is your boyfriend:
    1. You don't just make out with someone else because he won't answer the phone. That is definitely cheating and you should be dumped.
    2. He probably wasn't cheating...he was probably just avoiding you. Why had you called him several times already that night? Were you not out with friends celebrating? Enjoy your friends. Give him space! He was avoiding you because you were probably up his butt all the time with the phone calls.
    3. Drinking is never an excuse for behavior.
    4. and finally...if you thought he was cheating on you...why didn't you dump him? Go with your gut. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Whether the reason is what you think it is or not. Trust yourself and your instints to know when it's time to move down the road.

  9. #9

    Default Re: My Relationships are just not working out..

    Only one post...I doubt she will post anymore after the responses she got.

  10. #10

    Default Re: My Relationships are just not working out..

    If life was only like the movies.
    She is expecting the music to start playing and she sees him, he sees her, You were a jerk , I know but I'm your jerk...
    They kiss make up; all the girls in the theatre are crying...

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