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Thread: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

  1. Default Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    This year's Halloween parade scheduled for Saturday October 25th starting at 7:00PM promises to be a memorable event. This year's new extended route starts in Midtown at NW 13th and Walker, goes south on Walker to NW 10th, makes a left on 10th over to Broadway in Automobile Alley, then south again all the way into Bricktown. Last year, Wayne Coyne led 405 skeleton costumed fans with torches and it was a remarkable sight . . . this year, his record label is behind his participation in the event and the number will be 1000. The floats, music and people marching in the parade last year were a total hoot, and there will be plenty more to see and hear this year.

    Home | Gazette's Ghouls Gone Wild

    The Midtown Development Corporation is doing a party on the roof terace of Cafe Do Brazil from 6:00PM to 10:00PM with food and an open bar for $100 per person. There are only a limited number of tickets still available and the age limit is 21. Anyone interested in having one of the best seats in town for this spectacular show can PM me for info . . . but don't wait around or it will be sold out.
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    I went to this last year and it was one hell of a time. The skeleton parade was awesome, truly one of the most visually stunning things I have ever seen. Can't wait to see what it is like more than twice as large.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    So they ARE doing the 1,000 skeleton march again? I hadn't seen that. We might be on a float with some other friends. If that doesn't pan out, I definitely want to do the skeleton march.

    We missed it last year as we were on vacation.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    YEAH!!! This was so much fun last year!! I can't wait to do it again. The paint on my face feels horrible...but it is absolutely worth it. I still pull out my skeleton costume from last year and put it on sometimes. That was one of the funnest and most memorable times in my life. Wayne and the rest of the crew really made the long day a blast and I'm glad I got to be part of that. Bring on another 500 people! I think we need a bigger parking lot to assemble...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    You know - Ghouls on Parade is one of the events that could put a city on the cultural map. It would be similar to San Francisco Bay to Breakers (without all the gay nudity) or Tampa's Gaparilla Festival.

    Gasparilla Pirate Festival - Tampa, Florida

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    I couldn't agree more. We need to absolutely rally around this event and help it grow.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    I agree. I know last year people drove down from several states to be skeletons. This year I know people who planned their vacations around it and are coming down from New York, Washington DC, and Florida just to watch! I think we could make it a huge event. One that is unique to our state only.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    I agree. I know last year people drove down from several states to be skeletons. This year I know people who planned their vacations around it and are coming down from New York, Washington DC, and Florida just to watch! I think we could make it a huge event. One that is unique to our state only.
    That's awesome. I wonder if the CVB has started to push this with the regional media yet. You're absolutely right in that it could really make OKC a destination Halloween fun city.

    I'm so lucky in that this year I'll get to get my freak on with the parade and then turn around and head out west with the real "freaks" of San Francisco. Halloween evening on Alcatraz island, then a party in the Haight....can't beat that with a stick!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Ghouls on Parade is one of the events that could put a city on the cultural map.
    Very true. I wonder how much of a boost will be provided by Warner Bros. being involved with Wayne's part.

    (without all the gay nudity)
    Is nudity inherently gay? If not, what can make nudity gay... the person who is nude or the person who is exposed to the nudity?

    Personally, I don't think a little nudity now and again would hurt this town. Whether that makes one feel gay or not, well I guess that's something they have to work out on their own.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    BDP - Watch Bay to Breakers in San Fran. It will answer all questions about gay nudity and will leave zero doubt in your mind.

  11. Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Bay to Breakers is NOT a gay event. Don't be so closed-minded, guys.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Correct - the event is mearly run a across San Francisco, but if you don't think there is an extreme amount of nude (or various stages of over exposure) homosexual men and lesbian women then you don't know what you are talking about. I lived in Northern California for 19 years. Saying that the San Francisco gay contingency isn't well respresented in the Bay to Breaks is like saying women don't expose themself at Mardi Gras.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    OMG!!! Run, scream, hide, cover your eyes...the nude gays are coming!!!! (Or is that gay nudes, I forgot which.)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    The GGW Parade is awesome! I had a ton of fun last year, and the skeleton march was creepy as hell.

  15. Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    OMG!!! Run, scream, hide, cover your eyes...the nude gays are coming!!!! (Or is that gay nudes, I forgot which.)
    Whether that's what you're looking for, or if that's what scares the hell out of you, you'll be disappointed at Ghouls Gone Wild. However, I did see one guy at last year's parade who was sproting a rather loosely knotted tie.
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    BDP - Watch Bay to Breakers in San Fran. It will answer all questions about gay nudity and will leave zero doubt in your mind.
    I used to live there. I just didn't know that nudity itself could be gay.

    However, I did see one guy at last year's parade who was sproting a rather loosely knotted tie.
    I hear they are going to be watching that closely this year. We don't want any gay ties in OKC.

  17. Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by The Old Downtown Guy View Post
    There are only a limited number of tickets still available and the age limit is 21.
    What do you mean the age limit is 21? I hope this is a typo and you meant to say minimum age is 21.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    I think the age limit is 18 to participate in the parade.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    How exactly do you sign up to be a skeleton. I told my husband about it and he totally wants to do it. I on the other hand like to watch. (Oh, that did not sound like I meant it to.)

  20. Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    What do you mean the age limit is 21? I hope this is a typo and you meant to say minimum age is 21.
    Yes sir you are correct Mr. Tex. We will be serving alcoholic beverages and you must be at least 21 to purchase a ticket and attend the party . . . . my bad. I'm the OLD Downtown Guy. Thanks for pointing out my error. Hope to see you there.
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by CCOKC View Post
    How exactly do you sign up to be a skeleton. I told my husband about it and he totally wants to do it. I on the other hand like to watch. (Oh, that did not sound like I meant it to.)
    When they start accepting applicants I will post a link where he can sign up. You have to sign a waiver and fill out a form. If you get in, you pay a small fee but you get to keep your skeleton outfit and torch.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Alright, I want to go to this year, but i have a question or two. What makes it so awesome? Everyone thats gone has said its been an awesome time so i just wanna hear from those of you who have gone. And do you think it will help set our city apart somewhat in a good way?

    Just some thoughts...

  23. Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by donbroncho View Post
    Alright, I want to go to this year, but i have a question or two. What makes it so awesome? Everyone thats gone has said its been an awesome time so i just wanna hear from those of you who have gone. And do you think it will help set our city apart somewhat in a good way?

    Just some thoughts...
    Just Google it . . . .
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  24. Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by The Old Downtown Guy View Post
    Whether that's what you're looking for, or if that's what scares the hell out of you, you'll be disappointed at Ghouls Gone Wild.
    Says you.

    FritterGirl and I are leading the Port and Starboard Streak Brigade this year. Boys on port, girls on starboard...To make sure that there's no inappropriate touching going on (gotta keep it wholesome!) We've got a whole 2 people lined up so far. We're having a bake sale/recruitment drive down at the nudie bars next week to get some more participants. The only reason we didn't do this last year is due to some really poor planning in our fundraising event. By the way, a "Bacon Cookoff" is a really bad idea at a nudist's convention.

    Yes, I'll be wearing a tie.

    Well...More of a bow...Anyway...

  25. #25

    Default Re: Ghouls Gone Wild 2008

    Here is how to get in the March of 1000 Flaming Skeletons!!

    30 September, 2008: Take Part In The 2008 March of 1000 Flaming Skeletons
    Want to participate in this year's March of 1000 Skeletons? The parade will take place on Saturday, October 25th in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma...You Are Going to Have Fun!!!. Place your order for your admission, costume, t-shirt, and torch package at the Flaming Lips official online store at flaminglips.com/store

    Here's a few things you should know before purchasing your bundle:

    1. 2008 Death March branded skeleton costumes come in 2 sizes: Standard and Large. Each bundle comes with a torch and 2008 March of 1000 Skeletons event t-shirt. The shirts are available in sizes Small through X-Large so choose your T-SHIRT size at checkout.

    2. You may only purchase 2 costumes. Every costume must be for a person so we need a person's name and e-mail address attached to each costume.

    3. Every skeleton will be carrying a torch with real fire. Anyone in the parade must be 18. Anyone in the parade must sign a waiver.

    4. You will be told at a later date when and where to be so be sure to enter a valid name, email, mailing address and phone number at checkout.

    5. A person must have the ability to march in the parade for up to 2 hours.

    6. If you do not show up at the assigned time to pick up your outfit and be in the parade you forfeit your fee and will not receive a refund.

    7. There are no refunds.
    Flaming Lips Store

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