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Thread: I-35 Widening Controversy

  1. #1

    Default I-35 Widening Controversy

    Anyone else catch all the craziness ODOT is pushing in Norman? They are actually considering getting rid of the Lindsey exit from I-35. That seems absolutely ridiculous to me. It also seems ridiculous that one of the only options that allows the Lindsey exit to remain there takes out the new Mark Heitz dealership (which does seem excessively close to the highway). Odd that its construction was approved, it was barely opened and then we see they are thinking of tearing it down.

    I read another article recently that says the state (or city perhaps?) is considering making the I-35 access roads throughout Norman all one way. This also seems completely asinine.

    Does ODOT not talk to anyone in the local towns they are thinking of slicing up with their highway projects?

    Here an article from the Norman Transcript that describes a lot of what I've just been talking about:

    The Norman Transcript - Residents fight for Lindsey Street interchange

    Here is ODOT's contact information if any of this concerns you:

    Environmental Programs Division Engineer
    Oklahoma Department of Transportation
    200 N.E. 21st St.
    Oklahoma City, OK 73105

  2. Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    Where are you seeing the different options?

  3. #3

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    I'm sorry, I don't believe they are in that article. I will try to find them online somewhere or write them down and remember to post here next time I am on.

  4. Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

  5. #5

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post

    I read another article recently that says the state (or city perhaps?) is considering making the I-35 access roads throughout Norman all one way. This also seems completely asinine.
    Isn't this usually done for safety reasons? I know this was done to some OKC exits during the I-35 expansion project e.g. SE 66.....I remember when that access road was 2-way, and it was a lot more dangerous because people would exit and not realize that the far left lane was for opposite traffic only.

    Whatever happens, I'm pretty sure the entire area will be a NIGHTMARE.

  6. Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    It's true! I dun seen it on the TV!

    Not really...They said that it was one of many proposals, and nothing is even close to being decided.

  7. Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    I say they take out the new Mark Heitz dealership. Norman is already known for their horrible mile of cars. Why businesses feel the need to continue building more car lots? The automakers need to cut down on the amount of vehicles being made!

  8. Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    As guilty as I feel saying this, I have to agree on the Marc Heitz thing. I think that was a stupid location for a car lot and I wouldn't be upset to see it go. I'd rather sacrifice that thing than the I-35/Lindsey interchange!

    Besides, didn't they just reconfigure that interchange a few years back? I can't remember exactly. If they did, and they're planning on closing it already, then what a colossal waste of time and money.

    Here's a question: is widening I-35 through that part of Norman really necessary? Maybe they should just start north of Robinson and leave it at that. Or is there some factor I'm not seeing here?

  9. Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by ShiroiHikari View Post
    Here's a question: is widening I-35 through that part of Norman really necessary? Maybe they should just start north of Robinson and leave it at that. Or is there some factor I'm not seeing here?
    YES. I-35 is a mess, particularly during rush hour, throughout Norman all the way to the Hwy 9 west exit across the river.

  10. Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    I see. I haven't driven through Norman at that time of day in a long time, so I wasn't sure how bad it got.

  11. Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    Oh the time wasted sitting in stand still traffic after 77 breaks off all the way to Hwy 9. Yeah...it's become pretty bad. Of course, I would be all for a new extension that would run the length of Hwy 9 and then break north around 36th SE and intersect up by I-240. Split the traffic up, get people off of Sooner Road and that congested mess, and everyone would be happy.

  12. #12

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    The Heitz dealership isn't going anywhere. I'm sure there are other options on the table in that area. ODOT has bright people working for them who can work within the design constraints of the location.

    The road widening project in I-35 will bring welcome relief to the Norman area. The only thing I'm peeved about is the fact that a redesign of Highway 9 West by the Riverwind isn't even on the table yet.

  13. #13

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    YAY for the single point design...I'm all for that, but I'm sure it'll be too expensive.

  14. #14

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    I think that concept two will be the one that wins. It contains north and south ramps at Lindsey St. and it saves the dealership. I actually prefer this concept to the other. I tried to post a pic of the concept but the web page will not let me upload it.

  15. #15

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    ODOT released a statement today saying they are shelving the plan to eliminate the Lindsey St. interchange. They will probably be going with Concept 2. This concept kept the ramp at Lindsey, but also didn't require the new dealership to move.

    ODOT shelves plan after Norman opposition | NewsOK.com

  16. Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    Where are we seeing the different concepts??

  17. #17

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy


    Slides 19 and 20 show the concept that will most likely be used...

  18. #18

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    Is there any chance the inner third lane becomes an HOV lane? That would be really awesome and encourage more carpooling until we get commuter rail up and running.

  19. #19

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    Is there any chance the inner third lane becomes an HOV lane? That would be really awesome and encourage more carpooling until we get commuter rail up and running.
    Nope. The cost to use ratio is astronomically out of whack. ODOT is interested in seeing traffic congestion eased. The truth is (fortunately or unfortunately) that not enough people use an HOV lane to warrant construction. In fact HOV lanes are being fazed out all over the country (although nasty "one lane toll lanes" often take their place).

    As for commuter rail, the density just isn't there yet for OKC. As in-fill areas of the city begin to see development (Crossroads Mall and I-240 for example) the chances begin to go up. But were I a betting man, I would bet on a 15 year minimum before you see that. Until then many more roads will continue to be expanded to ease the traffic burden.

  20. #20

    Default Re: I-35 Widening Controversy

    Yeah I'd say 10-15 years, closer to 15. I would imagine some serious planning as to where stations will go, what kind of developments will spring up around them, etc. will start in the next few years. The sooner the better. Hopefully Norman gets started before some of the other cities along the route like Edmond and Moore so our TOD is more developed. A rail stop is just what downtown Norman needs to really go to the next level in terms of revitalization. There are also interesting possibilities with an OU stop by the Duck Pond. It will certainly help with getting people to/from OU football games.

    Too bad about HOV lanes, I really like using those when I ride with people to work. The I-35 traffic in Norman doesn't affect me as I get off at 77 and take it into the city where I live by campus right off Flood.

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