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Thread: Do they name under 12 sports teams after the grade schools anymore?

  1. #1

    Default Do they name under 12 sports teams after the grade schools anymore?

    When I played football, basketball, or soccer as a kid it was always:

    Houchin vs. Kelley
    Fairview vs. Northmoore
    Sky Ranch vs. Santa Fe
    etc. etc.

    Has that trend died out? It's a shame if it did.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Do they name under 12 sports teams after the grade schools anymore?

    I went to school in Moore back in the 80's the schools never had their own teams. The little league teams adopted the school's name because that is were all the kids on the team went to school. I remember the school's mascot was first the Kingsgate Cobra's then it changed to the Kingsgate Superkids. (Yes, being PC was in back then.)

    These days the teams just name themselves with no school affiliation because the kids all come from different schools. Then again little league was about just having fun playing the game. Now little league is nothing but parents (who never could play a sport) living vicariously through their kids. It's all about stockpiling trophies so they can go to college and play in the majors. What's sad is that kids now have to tryout for some of the little league teams. It's no longer any kid that wants to play can play provided they have a desire to attend practice and become a great player.

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