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View Poll Results: If N.O. gets hit hard again, who would host the Hornets?

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    1 3.23%
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    2 6.45%
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Thread: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

  1. Default Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    HI all.

    Im not saying or wishing anything bad on New Orleans - they've been through more than enough:


    considering Hurricane Gustav is expected to hit and be as big or worse than Katrina - could New Orleans' teams be homeless again?

    I'd say San Antonio would be home to the NFL Saints; they did a great job during the last stay. But who would get the Hornets, now that OKC has a team?

    Kansas City - logical choice, since they have a new arena and no tenant. But, do they have the dates available?

    Louisville - they have or will have a new arena too with no major tenant. But they do have a college tenant or two so???

    Tulsa - they also have a new arena?

    Seattle - the NBA hates Seattle (and likewise, Im sure) but Seattle IS the largest U.S. market without a team. KeyArena is adequate for emergency situations and Seattle's fanbase has supported a team for 41 years (actually more like 35, but we wont go there anymore). Has Seattle burned all of their bridges to even be considered?

    Vancouver - Vancouver is the largest market in N.A. without a team. IMO, the nBA screwed up with them by not allowing in quality players to build the fanbase. Ownership was horrible and didn't even really market the team in Hockey heaven. Yet, Vancouver is a NATURAL big league sports city and could provide a buffer of having another team temporarily in teh PAC NW - without the NBA having to cave in to Seattle. Im sure the players would LOVE to be in Vancouver - it's arguably the best city in the world (esp if you have money).

    What about other cities with arenas (mostly NHL) with no NBA team - Pittsburg, Buffalo, Baltimore, Tampa, El Paso, Omaha, Nashville?

    Like I said, this is assuming the worse. You have to plan for it, and hope for the best. I don't wish anything bad on N.O. and Im sure none of you do either - but who do you think could (and probably should) host the Hornets if things go bad again?
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Saints are going to Indianapolis that is already decided.
    Hurricane Gustav forces Saints to Indianapolis - NFL - NBCSports.com

    Indy is a perfect setup right now too. With the new stadium just finished for the Colts and the old one still in place there is no chance of any scheduling difficuties. Traffic nightmares yes with 2 NFL games and an NBA game possible at the same time if it were to happen and drag on into the NBA season...

    Not sure on the Hornets but I would think that Tulsa would have a good shot if it came down to it...

  3. Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    kansas city seems logical

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Seattle has an arena.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Kansas City has a brand new one and is much closer to NO. I don't think this would be much of a contest.

  6. Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Why on earth would they choose to send the Saints to a city with an NFL team already? That will probably not work out... Maybe that's why they sent them there, because Indy wouldn't steal them.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    I think Las Vegas is itching for a pro team. I could see them courting the Hornets or the next team looking for a new home. They could buy the team and build everything they need without taxpayer support. UNLV's Basketball team has a huge follwing that would spill over to an NBA team.

  8. Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I think Las Vegas is itching for a pro team. I could see them courting the Hornets or the next team looking for a new home. They could buy the team and build everything they need without taxpayer support. UNLV's Basketball team has a huge follwing that would spill over to an NBA team.
    I highly doubt this now.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  9. Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    The NBA won't allow a team in Las Vegas beause of gambling rules or something like that.

    Kansas City gets my betting vote...the Sprint Center is nice and new and really a perfect fit for what they are trying to do. They could actually move over to LSU if NOLA gets flooded out, but they'll still have a population problem while people come back. We'll have to wait and see what type of damage the area gets.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Quote Originally Posted by shane453 View Post
    Why on earth would they choose to send the Saints to a city with an NFL team already? That will probably not work out... Maybe that's why they sent them there, because Indy wouldn't steal them.
    Exactly Indianapolis has a succesful franchise and no interest in another considering the market is no where near big enough to support two. However they do in fact have 2 venues right now that are capable of supporting 2 NFL teams on a short term basis. Makes perfect sense in my mind.

    To me Tulsa makes much more sense than KC considering how well OKC did in supporting the Hornets on a temp basis. Oklahoma as a state has shown the ability to support major league sports and Tulsa was a big part of the success here for the Hornets so why not give them a shot at hosting this time around?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Looks like they'll be OK. A near miss...

  12. Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Yeah, Gustov didn't make it in strong - fortunately.

    Hypothetically, if they had to relocate - the Hornets wouldn;t make it in LSU. They tried to have games there during the OKC relocation and it was a disaster then - why would you expect it to be better now?

    Baton Rouge is just not big enough.

    They would need to locate to a big city or market; even Tulsa (and omaha, Louisville) is questionable on that regard (especially with OKC having a team).
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  13. Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    I would say Kansas City would be the next logic choice for any team that would happen to get displaced.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Apparently they dodged the bullet. There is no reason they can't return to N'awlins

  15. #15

    Default Re: Hornets, could they 'temporarily relocate' again?

    Tacky poll on "our" part. If anything, San Diego and Vegas should have been in the poll as well as they and KC are the top 3 logical choices for relocation.

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