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Thread: VIP Sightings

  1. #1

    Default VIP Sightings

    I figured I'd start a thread for those who have ran across a VIP here in Oklahoma City. Celebrities, politicians, musicians, atheletes or any random local commercial spokesperson. Obviously, privacy is an issue, and should be considered within the context of the occurence. That being said:

    I saw Desmond Mason at Hideaway Pizza tonight. I wonder what brings him to town so soon. House shopping? Promotional stuff?

  2. #2

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Now that the Sonics are moving here, you may be seeing more. A realtor friend of ours was on the lookout for a bunch of high end homes up in Edmond. Surely they will have company drop in.

  3. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    I ran into Wayne Coyne at the Home Depot at 59th and May once.

  4. #4

    Wink Re: VIP Sightings

    I saw Doug Loudenback at the Arena campaign watch party at Nonna's.

  5. #5

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    I'll be available for autographs and photographs at noon today. Sonic on Western.

  6. #6

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    I've bumped into Mark Harmon, Rick Sutcliff, Bob Stoops and the late Bobby Murcer, two separate times, at of all places: Nonnas.

  7. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Once when I was downtown, I saw then-mayor Humphries along with two other people I didn't know. They asked me to take a couple of pictures of them, which I did.

    I have seen local meteorologists Grant Johnston and Jonathan Conder at Blazers games.

    I met Mayor Cornett at the NBA All-Star watch party at Buffalo Wild Wings. I also met three fellow OKCTalkers there.

  8. #8

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    I saw Country singer Phil Vassar ("That's When I Love You", "Another Day in Paradise" and a couple of other tunes that escape me) at Will Rogers Airport in December 2006. He was coming in on the same Southwest flight as my son and future daughter-in-law (BWI-MCI-OKC).

    I thought about approaching him, but he had that "It's been a long day" look about him, so I did the polite thing and just stared.

  9. #9

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Wayne Coyne has been spotted at numerous places, including Coffee Slingers in Automobile Alley. Eva Longoria was at Trattoria Il Centro when the Hornets were here.

    Personal Encounters: Bill Cosby at the downtown Renaissance hotel, Mickey Tettleton, Bob Stoops, Vince Gill, Amy Grant, Phil Mickelson, Fred Couples, Charles Howell III, and numerous other pro golfers, I've all met these at Gaillardia. Met Wayne Coyne last year at the Flaming Lips Alley dedication. Met Shiny Toy Guns last time they played here. Probably a few more but I can't think of them at the moment.

  10. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    I've seen a few Hornets players out and about .. Chris Paul getting gas on Valentine's Day in Edmond and Birdman at Jimmy's Eggs in NW OKC off of May.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Wayne Coyne at Abuelos in Bricktown. Clay Bennett parks in my parking lot, so I see him almost once a week now that the team is back.

  12. #12

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    My all-time favorite run-in was with Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden when I was a junior in high school in 1982. My buddy Dave and I ran into him at Sooner (Fashion) Mall before they opened up for 38 Special. He was roaming around on a summer afternoon killing time. I saw a short guy with long hair and leather jacket and knew only a foreigner would be caught in Norman on a 100 degree day dressed like that.

  13. #13

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    I knew I should have followed that Black Bentley I saw on Memorial yesterday. Had to be "somebody". Now that I've seen this thread, I'll be on my game.

  14. #14
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Years ago I ran into Vince Gill and Amy Grant at the airport. They were very nice people (especially considering it was late and they were just getting off a flight). My wife got an autograph and a picture of him holding my daughter.

  15. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    I ran into Shaq at 2am at the IHOP in Bricktown the night before the Heat played the hornets. I didn't want to approach him fearing I might have gotten eaten.

  16. #16

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Quote Originally Posted by LordGerald View Post
    My all-time favorite run-in was with Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden when I was a junior in high school in 1982. My buddy Dave and I ran into him at Sooner (Fashion) Mall before they opened up for 38 Special. He was roaming around on a summer afternoon killing time. I saw a short guy with long hair and leather jacket and knew only a foreigner would be caught in Norman on a 100 degree day dressed like that.
    THE Bruce Dickinson? I gotta have more Cowbell..........

  17. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    PJ Brown at the mall
    Jeff Caple
    Blake Griffin

  18. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Met Shiny Toy Guns last time they played here.
    they rent a house in gatewood. i owned a club with jeremy dawson (keys, bass) and i was their first tour manager. they've been out of town a lot lately as they finish up their new album.

  19. #19

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    The guy in the black Bentley is just a guy who can afford a Bentley, I think. Same for the guy with the Aston Martin who ruined a really sweet ride by getting the vanity tag 00SEVEN.

  20. #20

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    The guy in the black Bentley is just a guy who can afford a Bentley, I think. Same for the guy with the Aston Martin who ruined a really sweet ride by getting the vanity tag 00SEVEN.
    I've seen the black Bentley turning in to Chesapeake before. I've also seen a red Ferrari and a maroon Maserati driving down Western.

    For the Aston Martin, the plates seem a little over-the-top. I haven't seen it, but I'd imagine I would do a double-take. Livin' the dream, that guy.

  21. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Quote Originally Posted by jstanthrnme View Post
    I've seen the black Bentley turning in to Chesapeake before. I've also seen a red Ferrari and a maroon Maserati driving down Western.

    For the Aston Martin, the plates seem a little over-the-top. I haven't seen it, but I'd imagine I would do a double-take. Livin' the dream, that guy.
    i've seen the red ferrari on classen as well.

  22. #22

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    I think we're talking more A-list celebrities and not locals with cash.

  23. #23

    Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Quote Originally Posted by edcrunk View Post
    they rent a house in gatewood. i owned a club with jeremy dawson (keys, bass) and i was their first tour manager. they've been out of town a lot lately as they finish up their new album.
    I had no idea Dawson was even a part of that group. I've known Chad Petree since 1987 - I think he was like 8 years old or something then. I am friends with his brother.

    What exactly are we classifying as VIP?
    I see and have seen (and know) famous Oklahomans everywhere. Wayne Coyne, Tyson Meade, Steve & Chad Petree, Hansons, Tyson Ritter, Nick Wheeler, Bryan Abrams, Sam Watters, Dameon & Gabe Aranda, Craig Groeschel, Garth Brooks, Toby Keith, Bob Stoops, Barry Switzer, David Green, and The Boz.

    Non Oklahomans include Chuck Dennie, Shaq, Kobe Bryant, The Von Erics, Bill Cosby, Trent Reznor, Sam Elliott, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Gene Simmons, Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Mark Harmon, .....it could go on forever.

  24. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    Followed Graham Colton from the Cox Center ballroom all the way across the skywalk and out the lobby of the Renaissance. (I was on my way out too, not stalking him) I also quasi-met him at a pep rally at Heritage Hall where he was performing and I was shooting video.

    I saw Jason White in his store at Penn Square just the other day.

    I saw Clay Bennett in the Leadership Square lobby a couple months ago.

    I saw Drew Edmondson eating lunch with Mike Turpin at Iron Starr about 6 weeks ago.

    I've seen Jenni Carlson at the post office AND getting gas at 7-Eleven. I've also since met her through a friend.

    And my best one wasn't in OKC, but I was sitting in the Orlando airport at my gate, and noticed that SNL's Darrell Hammond was sitting just 10 feet from me, trying his best not to be noticed.

  25. Default Re: VIP Sightings

    I've also seen BJ Wexler, host of OETA's Movie Club, on a few occasions.

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