Just driving down I-40 this evening and noticed the Bennigan's east of Meridian is gone, and had noticed the one on N. May south of Memorial is gone...don't think there are any left, are there?
Just driving down I-40 this evening and noticed the Bennigan's east of Meridian is gone, and had noticed the one on N. May south of Memorial is gone...don't think there are any left, are there?
I remember the one by UCO was constantly packed when they didn't check ID's... after they started doing that, things just went straight to hell.
I never liked that restaurant. I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did.
i remember going to the one on memorial while in college... waitress was strolling from table-to-table with a tray of jell-o shots.
you stay classy, bennigan's.
My wife and I loved that place. Go to the one on North May a lot. Haven't been in a few weeks though. Does anyone know what happened?
Their web site only shows one in Tulsa as the only one left in Oklahoma. Has that Steak and Ale next door to the North May store closed? They are owned by the same company.
The road construction on the intersection of I-40 and Meridian really hurt their business. Rarely were there more than three or four cars in the parking lot, probably because it was so hard to get to.
They used to have a very good Monte Cristo sandwich, but the last three times we ate there it wasn't worth eating.
Bennigans used to be one of my favorite restaurants. They just couldn't keep up with the growing Chili's and other chains around. The Monte Cristo and their Mozzerella sticks were the best!
I really liked their food. The service, however, was horrible the last few times we visited and we never returned. We waited for 45 minutes to get our food the last time we ate there and there was only one other couple in the place at the time.
I OPENED that store back in 1986....when nothing else was around except for Chili's and Molly Murphy's... Worked there for 5 years...put myself through school.
Wow...didn't know that...Is it GONE GONE or just closed.....
The Steak and Ale is still open as far as I know.It was the other day when I passed by, and Bennigans was already closed.
The last time I was in there, I stood for about five minutes waiting to be seated in an almost-empty restaurant while the hostess and a couple of servers talked about their boyfriends — carefully avoiding eye contact with me. I finally gave up and left and never went back. Good riddance to a crappy restaurant.
I worked the N.May Bennigans in the mid 90's.
they started going down hill when they tried to be a family restaurant instead of a pub with halfway decent pub food.
the last time I was there the guinness tasted bad and the monte cristo was pitiful. I won't miss them.
The Bennigans in Tulsa recently went out of business. I remember the service there being terrible, as well as the food. No surprise.
Sounds like they need their own "***** showing game".
I ate there once and will never ever do it again... that was the longest night of pain and trashcan hugging I have ever had..... good ridance!!
That movie is such a guilty pleasure.
SOOOO retarded, but I still laugh.
They had great baked potato soup, but I hadn't been there in years. The one in Edmond wasn't even there 10 years. It's already been converted to Old Chicago.
I work just south of the former Bennigans location (about three blocks south).
The last time my co-workers and I visited the place we sat for 10 minutes before our drinks arrived and never saw another person. At one point a co-worker was banging on the table with his knife and fork shouting "service, service."
While Bennigan's might have been great during it's heyday for the past 18 months it's been horrible.
I've never eaten at the Bennigans on N May and Memorial. I drive past it almost every day coming home from work. Sounds like I wasn't missing much.
But it seems to me like the one in Amarillo was always pretty decent.
Our version of the "tackle and getting caught looking" was the middle finger.
we ate at the one on I-40 about a year ago and i guess their computers had just crashed so they couldn't run our debit card and gave us the food for free
wasn't that great though, but at least it was free
It certainly had its' ups and downs, but for the most part all my experiences were fairly pleasant. Oh well
What a shameI remember I took my ex-girlfriend out to eat at Benningan's on Valentine's Day and the food was good from what I remembered 12 years ago
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