Hello everyone,
This weekend August 8+9 Hope Theatre Company hosted open call auditions for Anne of Green Gables. The auditions were VERY successful! I am very pleased to have fill all characters minus two male roles! Young men are always the hardest to recruit, even in my teaching years I had to beg and bribe them to auditionSo, this post is to "get the word out" to those aspiring actors, or the ones who practice in their mirror when no one is looking! I know there are some talented guys out there between the ages of 15-23! So, look us up http://www.hopetheatreco.com, call us 405-343-7403 or e-mail us hopetheatreco@mac.com and we will get you involved in the excitement of community theatre. FYI rehearsals are aprox. two days a week according to the character you are playing. Some may only have to come one day a week until production gets closer. Production will be in Mid-late October.
We are located downtown on Broadway, past Robert S. Kerr in the Sandridge Energy Complex (Kerr Auditorium)
In addition, if you are a female or under 15 male we can always use extras so feel free to contact us if you are interested in that as well!
Thank you!
A. Barrett
Director of HTC