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Thread: Christmas Shopping-Done?

  1. Default Christmas Shopping-Done?

    I honestly cannot believe that Christmas is just a few days away! gulp!

    Who has finished shopping, wrapped and ready to go?

    Or (probably more realistic) who is heading out this weekend to battle lines and crowds in search of the perfect 'last minute' gift?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Christmas Shopping-Done?

    As of today, shopping is done. All the gifts I need to have wrapped for a family thing tomorrow are finished, and I have a couple more to go for Monday and Tuesday.
    Still corrupting young minds

  3. Default Re: Christmas Shopping-Done?

    Weeks ago. If I come up with anybody that I forgot this weekend, they're just getting an Amazon.com gift card in the email. Easy-peasy-japaneasy.

    So this weekend will be ALLLL hookers and blow for me.

    By "hookers" I mean "girlfriend" and by "blow" I mean "movies".

  4. Default Re: Christmas Shopping-Done?

    I started, and finished, all of my shopping within a 3 hour period on Friday. I had everything planned on Thursday, went to the places I need to go to and came home and wrapped.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Christmas Shopping-Done?

    Another Christmas shopping period gone by and another year I didn't have to set foot in an actual store

    Now I just need to find some room to throw away the 500 shipping boxes I have sitting in my garage

  6. Default Re: Christmas Shopping-Done?

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Another Christmas shopping period gone by and another year I didn't have to set foot in an actual store

    Now I just need to find some room to throw away the 500 shipping boxes I have sitting in my garage

    This is the first year in awhile that I didn't do a majority of my shopping online. I got the laptop for my girl from Dell, and that's it.

  7. Default Re: Christmas Shopping-Done?

    Done here...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Christmas Shopping-Done?

    Done? Done? Sheeesh, it's only the 23rd people. Where's the fire?

  9. Default Re: Christmas Shopping-Done?

    I've been done for a month, but somehow I haven't avoided the malls. Shopping for myself...

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