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Thread: Martina McBride

  1. #1

    Default Martina McBride

    Great Concert...For such an Itty Bitty Girl...Powerful voice...
    Her opening act Little Big Town...Awesome...IMHO....

  2. #2

    Default Re: Martina McBride

    Not my cup of tea, but glad you enjoyed it

    Nice sized crowd??...Sold out??

  3. #3

    Default Re: Martina McBride

    How late did that show run?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Martina McBride

    Hmmm..Don't know if it was sold out....But it looked to be close...
    It started at 7 and I think it was over at about 10....The first act was about an hour...and then about a 15 minute intermission...
    My first time in the Ford Center...I thought it would be bigger...

    Rod Stewart gave the best show I had ever seen..But...It has been over 10 years since I saw him...but Martina gave a great performance....I think one of the reasons I am not much on going to concerts...I went to see Kenny Rodgers when he was at the peak of his career...And he acted like he wanted to be ANYWHERE ELSE but here....

    Martina put on show that made you believe that she had been waiting her whole life to perform here...Her parents were in the audience...maybe had something to do with it...
    Last edited by cindyl57; 07-15-2007 at 07:40 AM. Reason: Because I can't spell and left out words...

  5. Default Re: Martina McBride

    Cindy, we missed her this time. I've seen her at the fairgrounds once and Countryfest a couple of times.
    You're right, she's a heck of a performer. Amazing voice.

  6. Default Re: Martina McBride

    I've been to a couple of her shows (back when she was playing in bars) and I've met her twice.

    1. Every time I've seen her perform, she's been phenomenal.

    2. She is indeed...Itty-bitty.

    I dated a girl that was about her size once. I got some really funny looks.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Martina McBride

    Lotta power packed into that lil' dynamo; great show by her and by LBT for the opening. Martina could have done her whole show from Timeless. I'm like her pops in that regard, best part of the show.

    And the Ford Center is bigger than you might think. The upper deck of seats above the suites was just curtained off, somewhat typical for an event that won't pack the house floor to rafters. Although, why LBT and MB couldn't pack that house top to bottom is a mystery to me. Both put on a show that's finer than frog hair and even better than gravy on a biscuit.

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