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I definitely see your point. It's very disconcerting though, isn't it? It means that NEWS9 has been winning the 10pm for all this time based on lead-in, rather than quality. Wouldn't it be fun to ask Blaise Labbe why NEWS9 wins at 10? You know he'd spout the corporate party-line of bull. We hear it all the time in their promos.
I will try and incorporate lead-in into my mental framework, but it really offends the heck out of me. Stations knocks themselves out to put their best anchors (and their most beautiful) into their most important time periods, they're always trying to get the best look of their set, the best graphics packages, and their anchors even get "talent coaching", which always returns me to the belief that it's the look, feel, and content of the show that matters the most.
Still, I can't argue with the fact that NEWS9 doesn't beat everyone at 6pm if they're pounding them at 10pm. That makes a strong case for lead-in, unless someone can come up with other interesting reasons, such as viewer-demographics or something.