Originally Posted by
okay, it seems several are tossing in their own $0.02 on this, so I guess I will, too.
mranderson, there's so much I'd like to write here, but honestly trying to condense it into a coherent, brief few paragraphs seems impossible. I'm going to try nonetheless.
First, in a general way, let me offer that you need to consider your audience. The one theme I detect in your statement, while thoughtful, is that it is very self-centered - not in the "egotistical" sense, but in "this is how everyone should interpret what I write" sense. You specify how people should interpret "all caps" when the entire Internet, as a matter of protocol, defines it differently. You want to be able to claim "bs" on someone, but don't want anyone to reply in kind because it creates what you consider to be "tension." The whole point of a forum like this is two-way interaction. You just can't have one without the other. It isn't just about what you think, or write, it's about how the exchange shapes perceptions (if at all) among the broader community.
Next, let me offer something about your style. You make it very, very difficult for anyone to agree with you. Your attitudes are so polarizing, and your commentary often so tiringly bereft of the possibility anyone else has a valid opinion, that your own thoughts usually dominate an entire thread. There have been times, quite honestly, that I have found myself agreeing with you on certain opinions, but in many cases agreeing with you cannot sound like consensus on a point, but a gravitas on "taking mranderson's side." Maybe that's perception on my part, or readers' part, so its not entirely fair to put it all at your feet. The point is that the extreme nature of your opinions and how you express them often make it very difficult to offer you support for a position in any particular thread. You may not think you want or need support, but if you can gain credible allies, you might gain credibility yourself.
Lastly, you take extreme positions on nearly everything. That's your (and everyone else's) prerogative. But those extreme positions come with a price. You'd better be able to defend those positions, or you will be skewered here or in any other broader Internet forum. You cannot, in my opinion at least, make a strong opinion, then tell everyone else they (in effect) can't have a contrary opinion because it creates tension to you (see the 1st paragraph).
I'm not in much of a position to directly refute any assertions of fact you (or anyone else, for that matter) make based on your personal experiences. But using the banner of "personal experiences" is a very dangerous sword to wield; if you use it as a "first-defense" each and every time you aver a particular position, it will be (right or wrong) seen as a cop-out.
I can only speak for myself, but I endeavor to the extent possible to make sure my basic grammar and spelling are as correct as possible. To me, nothing weakens an Internet forum argument more than weakness in either or both areas. I recognize most people don't care about such things, but to me they're important. If you have a strong opinion about something, and want to express that opinion, I would encourage you to care enough to make sure what you post is spelled correctly and phrased coherently. As an example, you have a post in another thread about KFOR and the "Berry's," and it doesn't take that much effort to discover that the Berry's on KFOR are actually the Barry's. Yes, it's a nitpick, but if you're taking the time to post, why not take the time to spell things correctly?
I've already gone on too long, and for that I apologize, but the points here are just the perspectives of one among many posters who has been simultaneously interested, insulted, irritated, curious, embarassed, and disdainful of your opinions not nearly so much for the opinions themselves, but for the way you choose to express them. When you choose that path (and you have that right within the rules of the board), you make it hard for us to lend you the credibility you might otherwise deserve. Considering that "road not taken" might make the journey for all of us just a bit more enjoyable.
I hope that makes some degree of sense.