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Thread: Jesus Camp Documentary

  1. #1

    Default Jesus Camp Documentary

    Documentary covering a hardcore Evangelical camp for kids mostly 5 to 10 years old it seemed....Not going to go into a rant over it, but it was both very interesting and very scary

    Just interested in whether or not anyone else has seen it...On the new releases on Netflix

  2. #2

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    I saw the documentary when it was out in theaters (I believe the AMC at Quail Springs Mall showed it), and I thought it was very interesting, but I would NEVER say it was "very scary" or anything like that.

    I know that since the production of this film, the actual camp has shut down, but I think what the lady who ran it did was a GOOD THING for kids. I'm a born-again Christian, and I support Christian camps like the one featured in this film.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    That's cool jb...Just makes me uncomfortable watching adult's programming information into a child's brain before they can decide for themselves

    One question for you...Would you feel the same if instead of religion this was a White Cause type of camp and the speakers were instilling their firm beliefs about race superiority into 7 and 8 yr old kids?...Not trying to debate just wonder if you would find that documentary scary or uncomfortable

  4. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    That's cool jb...Just makes me uncomfortable watching adult's programming information into a child's brain before they can decide for themselves

    One question for you...Would you feel the same if instead of religion this was a White Cause type of camp and the speakers were instilling their firm beliefs about race superiority into 7 and 8 yr old kids?...Not trying to debate just wonder if you would find that documentary scary or uncomfortable
    That's how I was watching it....What if it were a Muslim camp? How about a camp for rabid Atheists? How would a born again Christian react to it then? People always look spitfire bat**** insane when they're deeply involved in something you don't believe in.

    That movie gave me the jeebie heebies and a nervous tic for a week.

  5. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    I didn't see it, and I'm a Christian, but it did look a bit scary the WAY they were teaching these kids.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    I did see it, and I am a Christian, and it was indeed troubling.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    I watched it and it reinforced my opinion of everything thats wrong with organized religion. Its cool to believe in things that help you become stronger on the inside but not crazy or programming children. Let charlie manson have a camp then compare it to the movie and it would be about the same minus some killing.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    I watched it and so no signs of brainwashing. What I saw is kids who are on fire for Christ with a faith and devotion that would put most of us adults to shame. I thought it was truly inspiring.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    I think you forgot to add the sarcastic smiley taco...At least I hope you did

    Clearcut brainwashing...We call it so in the Middle East so we must apply it here as well...The kids in the documentary are going to be some scary adults

  10. #10

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Easy180: I would not describe the events in the Jesus Camp movie as programming info into a child's brain or "brainwashing" if you will. These kids voluntarily came to the camp because of their own interests. The camp might have been promoted or marketed in their respective churches, but advertising is not the same as brainwashing.

    To answer your question, I don't think you can compare this camp to something like the KKK. On the other hand, I DO believe you can compare it to what you see in a lot of Islamic-based children's TV shows that feature the same kind of "indoctrination," if you will, into children of the Muslim religion. That's kind of the whole point of the "Jesus Camp" move, to juxtapose these two "religions," or "lifestyles," and show how we as Christians need to instill beliefs into our children so they can go to battle for Jesus in a spiritual way (not in a physical way as the Muslim religion suggests with jihad). To me, "Jesus Camp" is the same thing as the "Battle Cry" rallies that Teen Mania and Ron Luce hold across the country, except the "Battle Cry" events are geared towards teenagers, and "Jesus Camp" was geared towards elementary-age children.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    The old cause they do it we should do it argument

    Guess it's time for the more radical Evangelicals to come up with their own version of the word Jihad

    These kids voluntarily go to these brainwashing camps?...Not sure but I'm thinking the parents may have sent them

    Cause it looked just like tons of fun for the kids....Anyways

  12. #12

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    The old cause they do it we should do it argument

    Guess it's time for the more radical Evangelicals to come up with their own version of the word Jihad

    These kids voluntarily go to these brainwashing camps?...Not sure but I'm thinking the parents may have sent them

    Cause it looked just like tons of fun for the kids....Anyways

  13. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    There is a MASSIVE, GIGANTIC difference between indoctrinating Christian values and indoctrinating violence against those that don't believe like you.

  14. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    There is a MASSIVE, GIGANTIC difference between indoctrinating Christian values and indoctrinating violence against those that don't believe like you.
    I wish it were that simple.. that the love of Christ would be the focus.. but sometimes, it's not. Some people take it too far.. and when you start teaching that people who 'don't believe like you' are Wrong & Evil Sinners .. then you have problems.

    "Three young men accused of brutalizing an 18-year-old gay man for hours last weekend have been charged with hate crimes, according to police, court documents and a prosecutor.

    Prosecutor Donna Dagnall, who handles cases in Children's Court, said the 18-year-old man suffered bleeding on the brain and a concussion as well as facial lacerations and bruising, but has since been released from a hospital. Dagnall confirmed the three men allegedly responsible for the beating have been charged under New Mexico's hate-crimes law. "

    "The fatal beating of a 72-year-old gay man last month in Detroit has sparked a campaign to update federal and state hate-crime laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

    Andrew Anthos was riding a city bus home from the library on February 13, listening to his headphones and quietly singing along, when another man asked if he was gay and called him a ''***got,'' according to police and family members.

    Anthos ignored him, but the man followed him off the bus and again confronted him. Anthos, who was helping a wheelchair-bound friend stuck in a snowbank, reportedly told the man he was gay. The man then struck him in the back of the head with a pipe, stood over him as he lay on the ground, and ran off after Anthos's friend yelled for him to stop.

    Anthos fell into a coma on February 21 and died two days later.

    Anthos ''was a patriot. He loved veterans.... He just happened to be gay,'' said Michigan state senator Hansen Clarke, who plans to introduce legislation to amend Michigan's Ethnic Intimidation Act. ''The whole point is making sure that people have equal rights in the legal system, people aren't picked on or threatened just because they look or act differently.''

    "It's pretty clear to us that his homosexuality was the reason for the beating," she said. "

    Even though it can start out very innocently, some can't stop there. There is quite a bit of violence out there towards those who don't believe the same things.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  15. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    There's nothing in that article that says it was religiously motivated.

    These anti-gay hate crimes tend to be much more about testosterone-driven homophobia.

  16. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Yeah, I can agree with that.... I just know that some people go overboard with everything... and when you start teaching young kids early on that everything in the Bible should be taken literally ( like in this movie) then you have kids growing up with this sort of propensity for non acceptance of those who have different beliefs.

    Where did most people first learn that homosexuality was 'wrong'? Most people I know base their belief that it is wrong on the Bible and religious teachings.

    I'm not saying that Christians are gay hating people who commit crimes against them.. I'm just trying to say that violence can and does occur in all aspects of life.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  17. #17

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    There is a MASSIVE, GIGANTIC difference between indoctrinating Christian values and indoctrinating violence against those that don't believe like you.
    I would agree with this statement if it weren't for the Christian value that banishes everyone to eternal damnation complete with torture and fire if they don't believe like you do

    Extremists in both religions scare me equally

  18. #18

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary


    I don't see an issue with teaching your kids early on that everything in the Bible should be taken literally. After all, if we're Christian, then the Bible is what we believe. For instance, yes, homosexuality IS wrong, because the Bible says it is wrong. That does not mean we should be violent as Christians towards those who are homosexual (or gay, lesbian, transgender, etc.) We need to love these people and be tender towards them. But their behavior is still SIN, and its wrong and against God's Word.

    If anyone here is interested, my pastor, Rickey Musgrove is beginning a new series on "Raising Children of Destiny." I strongly recommend it, especially if you have any questions about how to raise your kids in a Christ-like manner. If you're interested, you can come to Faith Church in Edmond, any Sunday, at 1700 S. Bryant (just south of the CVS at 15th and Bryant), and our services start at 10am.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Take everything literally? Really? So eating lobster is as equal an abomination as homosexuality, as is divorce and re-marriage? Stoning to death cheaters, casting out demons, jumping in the nearest lake if you accidentally brush up against a woman on her period, and so on... no explanation needed, just take it as an absolute?

    What's that old saying, a text without context is a pretext....

  20. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    I would agree with this statement if it weren't for the Christian value that banishes everyone to eternal damnation complete with torture and fire if they don't believe like you do
    Why worry about that if you don't believe it to be true? There are no Christians attacking Muslim nations because they are sinners.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Do you see worry in my post jbrown?

    You were throwing around the standard Christian values argument and I stated my favorite part of it

  22. #22

    Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Dismayed: The Bible is clear in a literal sense that the ceremonial/kosher dietary laws of the OT don't apply to Christians. I do not want to switch to that topic, but if you read the Bible literally, Christ abolished the Law of Moses, and gave Christians the Law of Christ.

  23. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Do you see worry in my post jbrown?

    You were throwing around the standard Christian values argument and I stated my favorite part of it
    That belief does nothing to lead Christians to do violence against others.

  24. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Quote Originally Posted by jbkrems View Post

    I don't see an issue with teaching your kids early on that everything in the Bible should be taken literally. After all, if we're Christian, then the Bible is what we believe. For instance, yes, homosexuality IS wrong, because the Bible says it is wrong. That does not mean we should be violent as Christians towards those who are homosexual (or gay, lesbian, transgender, etc.) We need to love these people and be tender towards them. But their behavior is still SIN, and its wrong and against God's Word.

    If anyone here is interested, my pastor, Rickey Musgrove is beginning a new series on "Raising Children of Destiny." I strongly recommend it, especially if you have any questions about how to raise your kids in a Christ-like manner. If you're interested, you can come to Faith Church in Edmond, any Sunday, at 1700 S. Bryant (just south of the CVS at 15th and Bryant), and our services start at 10am.
    I'm not that well versed regarding the part/parts of the christian bible where it uses the term "homosexual" Can anyone enlighten me?
    Too old NOT to care

  25. Default Re: Jesus Camp Documentary

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    Take everything literally? Really? So eating lobster is as equal an abomination as homosexuality, as is divorce and re-marriage? Stoning to death cheaters, casting out demons, jumping in the nearest lake if you accidentally brush up against a woman on her period, and so on... no explanation needed, just take it as an absolute?

    What's that old saying, a text without context is a pretext....
    Amen, amen and amen!
    Too old NOT to care

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