Yeah i wasn't going to comment but i'm NE Moore, so Earlywine is a good 20-25 minute drive. It's a good place, but way too far for me. 4 Star was at my limit and has really ended up being further than I want to go. The Station isn't quite as far, but about the same time distance with how you have to get there. We'll see how that goes. It is a really good deal in that you can get your entire family on at the Station for what 2 people cost at 4 star and you also get the basketball area/pool/etc.

The gym area is about the size of a small gym like Shape on Eastern. It has what you need, it just doesn't have a lot of extras in terms of machines. So we'll see how this goes.

If Shape would fix their dang air conditioner and replace their freeweights and missing EZ bar stuff, I probably would stay there. But i'm oh so tired of broken equipment, a real banged up inside, and HVAC that hasn't worked right in almost a year.

Another Bummer at 4 star that I found was that it was basically as hot in there as it was at Shape (almost 80 or so) but 4 star doesn't have any fans to speak of (only a couple of small floor units in a few spots) so there's no air movement and it's just pretty sweltering in there right now. Add the 100+ people in there creating their own heat and it's just nasty. I'm skinny, my body doesn't sweat all that much. I need airflow so i don't just cook in my own juices! I did notice that the Station was a nice temperature and does have air movement