Quote Originally Posted by Will Dearborn View Post
Do you mean a two-stage?

You absolutely should not be listening to anyone telling you to turn off the system entirely.
Yes two stage. I now just keep the house 76 during the day and 72 during sleeping hours. Getting off smart hours was the best thing I ever did. So much nicer having the house one temp. My KW are way down I'm sure mostly due to the new unit but with the new system I saw no point of cooling the house to 70 than not run it for 5 hours house would get up to 80 on 100 degree days then I would have to spend another 3 hours cooling it back down.

I would love to see what others used when it was 100 last week and how much their bill was on smart hours. I'll post mine

July 2nd I used 48 kw $5.59 didn't do laundry or run the dishwasher
July 3rd I used 54 kw $6.32. I would love to know how that compares to smart hours. When I switch over all my old pricing went away. I did write one day down I used 56 kw and it was $5.60 So if I compare that to July 3 I used .72 but it was only 91 that day.