Best Buy is breaking ground in the Westgate Marketplace in a short while, if they haven't already bought the land. I think it's about time that part of the metro got a Best Buy.
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Best Buy is breaking ground in the Westgate Marketplace in a short while, if they haven't already bought the land. I think it's about time that part of the metro got a Best Buy.
cc must you throw in a shot at every thread?
It's probably as newsworthy as your Why Dallas thread
Well, it IS in the "Metro Area Talk" section, so I think it's entirely appropriate. Thanks for the info Spartan. :tiphat:
Thanks for the info. Appreciate it.
where is the westgate maketplace?
On the Northside of I-40 between MacArthur and Meridian, it spans the entire mile. When complete I believe it will be around 2 million sq. feet of retail space. The largest shopping center in OKC.
Look here for more info as well:
If you do a search for "westgate marketplace" in this forum, you'll find several other threads on it as well.
edit: I got a little mad earlier about the badgering of one beligerant OKC Talker, when in reality the majority of those here are fine... and I apoligize for what I said about the encore being over.
I find it very NEWSWORTHY, its right by my office and now NEW MUSIC TUESDAYS will be so much easier to get to than driving from Morgan/Reno all the way to May, now I just go 5 mins down I-40 !!!